What is your SUPERPOWER?
What's your SUPERPOWER? What are you amazing at? What are your best traits, habits, and great things about you? Get conceited for this episode :D Example: positivity, self-assurance, harmony, relator, activator, ideation, maximizer, arranger, futuristic, command, communication, include, developer, consistent, adaptability, responsibility, woo, focus, empathy, individualization, discipline, connectedness, leaner, input, analytical, belief, competition, context, restorative, deliberative, strategic, intellection, achiever, creative, innovative, solution based thinker, carer, teacher, authenticity? (from Gallup Strengths Finder) or, what are other other special skills or traits about you? Tell yourself what your superpower is, ALL DAY EVERYDAY! Keep your spirits up and up :D Cheers, XO Chay, @chaykitworldwide