[EP 6] An Introduction to Extreme Horror Films - Part 5
Welcome to the sixth episode of the Zobo With A Shotgun Podcast! This time we're diving into the 90s, which often seems like a dire time for horror but was actually very decent for extreme horror films.
Covering the years from 1990 - 1995 to begin another era of extreme cinema! There are some of the most notable movies in here, but as always many haven't been included. Send me your favourite extreme horror films from the 90s for a shoutout in the next episode!
If you'd like to send over some feedback, support me by buying me coffee, inquire about being a guest on the show, send over your extreme film or just ask me weird shit you can do so at the following:
Email: zobowithashotgun@gmail.comTwitter: @ZoboWithShotgunFacebook: Zobo With A ShotgunInstagram: zobowithashotgunWeb: www.zobowithashotgun.comPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/zobowithashotgunKo-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/zobowithashotgun
Zobo With A Shotgun theme music by the very talented Emanuele Bellini www.emanuelebellini.com Artwork by Zoë aka me (which is why it is shit)