[EP 5] An Introduction to Extreme Horror Films - Part 4

Welcome to the fifth episode of the Zobo With A Shotgun Podcast! We're back looking at the extreme horror films of the 80s - and this time we have some real nasty gems that are only whispered by the most perverse.

Covering the years from 1984 - 1989 to round-up another era of horror history! Please note this is just a small selection of extreme films that were released during this time. I'd love to cover everything, but we'll be revising the eras with a more in-depth look at other films throughout the future episodes. 

If you'd like to send over some feedback, support me by buying me coffee, inquire about being a guest on the show, send over your extreme film or just ask me weird shit you can do so at the following:

Email: zobowithashotgun@gmail.comTwitter: @ZoboWithShotgunFacebook: Zobo With A ShotgunInstagram: zobowithashotgunWeb: www.zobowithashotgun.comPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/zobowithashotgun

Zobo With A Shotgun theme music by the very talented Emanuele Bellini www.emanuelebellini.com Artwork by Zoë aka me (which is why it is shit)

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