[EP 3] An Introduction to Extreme Horror Films - Part 3
Welcome to the third episode of the Zobo With A Shotgun Podcast! We'll be continuing on with our Introduction to Extreme Horror Films by looking at how the 80s was a highly influential period for the horror genre in general, but perhaps not so much for extreme... With issues around video nasties & heavy censorship, it seems filmmakers were a little more hesitant to go super extreme. However, there were still some films that aimed to make a scene with some disturbing content; and we look at those from the year 1980 - 1983. We'll cover the rest of the 80s in the next episode!
If you'd like to send over some feedback, support me by buying me coffee, inquire about being a guest on the show, send over your extreme film or just ask me weird shit you can do so at the following:
Email: zobowithashotgun@gmail.comTwitter: @ZoboWithShotgunFacebook: Zobo With A ShotgunInstagram: zobowithashotgunWeb: www.zobowithashotgun.com
Zobo With A Shotgun theme music by the very talented Emanuele Bellini www.emanuelebellini.com Artwork by Zoë aka me (which is why it is shit)