Should the Gov. Outlaw Guns? Voter Fraud Caught on Tape. Rep. Greyson forces his own kids on foodstamps

It’s time once again for another edition of The Live Show.If you’re watching on TheLiveShow.TV, then you’re getting to see everything in real-time because we do broadcast live over the inter webs for all to see.I want to start off this morning with a little ethical bribe for you. What we are doing is, we are trying to build an army of conservative libertarian people.Those folks who want to be left alone, who believe in free markets and capitalism. Who believe in the idea that we should be allowed to live free and if you’re a believer in that, like if you watch this show, we want to empower you.We want to give you the tools to arm yourself against those people who suggest to you that bigger government, infringements on your freedoms and rights, are acceptable. We don’t want that to happen so what we are doing is we are putting together “The Great Knowledge Giveaway”.What we’re doing is we’ll be giving away a thousand dollars worth of great books.Now, these books are not cheap. The “Basic Economics” book by Thomas Sowell is like $30. WE’ll be giving away over a thousand dollars worth of knowledge to people who are part of The Live Show update list.So, if you go toTheLiveShow.TV right now or after the show, you’re going to see a little sign up form. Just enter your name and email address to get your regular updates of the show.Now, all you have to do is be on that list and you’ll be eligible for this thousand dollar giveaway of information. I’ll be giving away some of the very best books that I have ever read.And it’s stuff that’s easy to read. What I want to empower you with is information that’s enjoyable to read and it is pertinent in the world that we live in today.And so I’ll be giving you a list of those books to showcase them on the show over the course of next month. At the end of the month, everyone who is on the email list, we’re going to start giving away these books every single day. And, at the very end, the grand prize that you can win is an iPad 2 Air.We’re also going to see if we can get every single one of the books that we’re giving away on that iPad Air.So, not only do you get a fantastic piece of equipment made by Apple, but you’re also going to get all of the knowledge, not just a book or two.We’ll be drawing names randomly based on your email address. It doesn’t matter where you live in the world. Everybody is eligible and we want you all to participate in that. Make sure you go toTheLiveShow.TV and get on the update list so that you can be eligible for all of that awesome knowledge.I’m very excited about it. And, look, people who are not interested in knowledge are not going to be interested in being part of this. But those people are losers so we don’t really want them on the email list anyway because they are not folks interested in empowering themselves. Also, one of the best ways that you can be part of our community is by joining our private Facebook group, by invitation only.It’s a place where we can share, discuss, and have civilized arguments about some of the pressing issues of the day. One of which is the issue of gun control.Now I have not spoken about gun control since we kicked off this show. The problem with gun control is there are a lot of rejects out there that take gun control and gun ownership rights to a massive extreme. And we’ve all seen those guys wearing a pair of combat fatigues, a T-shirt that says America rocks, and a M-4 or an assault weapon strapped to their back. Or the guy who walks down the street with a loaded weapon because there’s an open carry law and just attracts police officers.And the only reason why he’s out there is to cause discontent, anger and get everybody all stirred up so that he can claim that it’s his right to carry a gun in the open. Well, it is your right but you’re an idiot. Unfortunately, you also have a right to be stupid, which you are.But, this question of gun rights and gun ownership is an important one.If you take a look at the private Facebook page, a friend of the show, Charles S. Miles, who is always interested in discussing and commenting on some of the key principles we have on the show, posted this to the Facebook page. Post & Conversation in the Facebook page. Gun Permits & Background Checks are ILLEGAL!, he was posting this really to continue the conversation we had yesterday on the show about how the regulation, licensing, and oversight the government places on most institutions is not in fact designed to help or protect you.But, ultimately, it’s designed to limit competition.Charles says, well look at this. This is kind of the same thing that they’re doing with gun control and I wanted to share some comments about it.And we had a really great conversation with Uli Malsch about gun control.So I want to run through my belief systems about gun control, where it lies and what your responsibilities are and what the government’s responsibilities are in relationship to gun control.You can go to the show to read all of the comments about it and I’d love to get input from others of you who are interested on this topic. The critical question that must be asked is do you have a constitutional right protected by the government to keep and bear arms?Unequivocally, the answer to that is yes. If we take a look at the second amendment, it says very clearly a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. There is no question as to whether or not you as an American citizen has a right to own a gun.What you hear liberals and progressives say is that no, you can’t. They say, yes you can own something for self defense or for hunting but you should not be allowed to have these killing machines that’s designed for war.Here’s the problem with that. First of all, there’s only one reason that we create guns and that’s to kill.We don’t create guns for target practice, for fun and enjoyment. People use them for that but guns are designed for one thing and that’s to kill, to take life, be it the life of an animal or the life of a human being.They are a disgusting but necessary weapon in the protection of yourself.And what people also suggest is people don’t need a semi automatic weapon for home defense.But you see, the problem is that the Constitution doesn’t say that the reason you get to carry a weapon is so you get to protect your home.Or so you have the right to hunt and collect food. No, it doesn’t.You see, the framers understood something very simple. That we have certain inalienable rights. Certain rights that a government doesn’t have the right to take away from us.And if you look at our Constitution, it’s basically a list of things that the government does not have the right to do.The Bill of Rights are rights that you have. They’re not rights that the government gives to you. They’re rights that you have that the government cannot take away. So now the question becomes, what is the Federal government’s responsibility?Can they keep track of who owns guns?Can they require you to go through a background check?Can they limit what types of weapons you’re allowed to buy?Because, as we stated already, the Constitution does not specify that.But here’s the beautiful thing about the Constitution, the framers understood exactly what they were doing. So they went ahead and added the 10th amendment which says the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited by the states are reserved by the states respectively or to the people.Therefore, states have the responsibilities to determine what that means. States have the rights to pass those kinds of laws, to require background checks, restrict what types of gun ownerships they are allowed to carry and those fights should be existing at the state level.Unfortunately, the Federal government has intruded on it’s own responsibilities as is typically the case and now is making decisions that are not constitutional. -----If you would like to discuss anything with John about the show, email him at Jason@TheLiveShow.TVYou can also use the hashtag #TheLiveShowFollow Jason on Twitter: Us on Facebook: you are really enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing at The Live Show, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at you interested in advertising on The Live Show?Reach out to us at Advertising@TheLiveShow.TVWe’d love to talk with you.-----SponsorsTrade Pro Futures: industry's top futures and forex trading platforms.Trade Empowered: how to day-trade, swing-trade, or become a profitable long term trader.Main Street Alpha: social site that links up professional successful traders with verifiable track records to capital.----- What we need is for people to understand that with rights come responsibilities.Unfortunately, we look at these people who are pro-gun nuts and we say to ourselves ‘these folks hurt the cause’. They make all of us look like idiots, like a bunch of gun toting hillbillies who don’t really understand what it is and that’s the believes that progressives have about us.The fact is, that’s not it at all. The reason that we fight so hard and long to preserve these rights is because we understand the inherent value in them.What happens when they take away your right to protect yourself? When you stuck and forced to allow the government to do it? Look at Ferguson and what happened with that. There were certain people who stood out in the streets and armed themselves and guess what, those places didn’t get robbed.The rest of the people waiting on the government, waiting on the police force, waited on the National Guard to come and help them while their city was burning down around them. And they never showed up. The Russians during the height of the Cold War believed that they could defeat the American army. What they knew they could not defeat was the American cowboy with a 4 wheel drive and a shot gun.This is not just a bunch of people who don’t understand or what to be able to own guns above and beyond what is best for America.Gun ownership, you can look at any city with restrictive gun rights like Chicago, D.C., New York City, the crime rates are through the roof. And they have the strictest gun laws in America.Removing guns from the equation doesn’t change things. All it means is that they chase down people with hatchets. All it means is there are more killings with hammers.But the most important thing about gun ownership is the fact that you are able to protects the inalienable rights given to you by God from anyone, be it an individual or a government who seek to strip you of those rights. Whether or not you got the moxie to actually do it is up to you but gun ownership ensures that right. This Democrat Congressman, Worth Almost $20 Million, Receives Food Stamps for His Children Alan Grayson (D-FL), a sleazy trial attorney and left-wing loon, was just named the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. Considering all the inherited money, lobbyists, and shady deals which happen in Washington, D.C., that is an impressive ranking.But Grayson has another dubious distinction: a dead beat dad. After being married for 29 years to Lolita Grayson, he is refusing to support her or his children. Why? Because he is shamefully arguing his wife’s first marriage was supposedly never fully ended, so Alan’s marriage to her was never legitimate.This is an incredible example of liberal hypocrisy. Grayson, who never met a tax increase or government program he wouldn’t force us all to pay for, is allowing his children to receive food stamps while he lives in a luxurious Florida mansion.I don’t know if you guys remember Alan Grayson but he is a dirtball. He use any type of sleepy tactic to get his way. He is worth about $20 million dollars, the 17th wealthiest member of Congress. When I saw this story, I immediately knew who this guy was because during the healthcare debate, this is what he said on the House floor.Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!" plan for healthcare in America is ‘die quickly’ and it was a flat out lie, it was disgusting to see him stand up and suggest that because Republicans don’t believe that somebody else ought to pay for your healthcare that somehow that means they want you to die.So when I heard this story, it turns out that he has an ex wife that he’s claiming that she was never actually divorced from her first husband but he has children with her. But because of this, he doesn’t believe that he has to pay child support to her so she now has to live on foodstamps.This is a man who won’t even take care of his own children yet, what he would have you believe on the Senate floor is that he cares so much about, that the Republicans hate you so much, that they want you to die quickly.This is a perfect example. This is what progressives do.They love taking credit for spending somebody else’s money. He won’t even spend his own to keep his own kids off foodstamps but he’s ready and willing, he’s never seen a tax increase he didn’t like or a government program that can force you to spend money on and then take credit for, he just loves doing that.People don’t like to hear the term redistribution but ladies and gentlemen, this is exactly what this is. It is a tax that benefits one group of people to the detriment of another. Google is developing cancer and heart attack detector is aiming to diagnose cancers, impending heart attacks or strokes and other diseases, at a much earlier stage than is currently possible.The company is working on technology that combines disease-detecting nanoparticles, which would enter a patient's bloodstream via a swallowed pill, with a wrist-worn sensor.The idea is to identify slight changes in the person's biochemistry that could act as an early warning system.The work is still at an early stage. Google Inc. X Lab Working on Magnetic Pill to Detect Cancer is said to be working on magnetic pills that will not only detect cancer cells in human body, but will destroy them as well. The project was announced on Tuesday and is being looked at as a hope to improve the quality of life for people around the globe.Google X research lab’s head of life science Andrew Conrad explained that they are trying to change the medicine from reactive to proactive. That means that these pills will be able to detect the cancerous cells ahead of time and thus prevent cancer altogether. He said that they are aiming at building nanoparticles that will have the ability to detect any disease. Conrad told the audience at a Wall Street Journal conference that Nanoparticles are the union of biology and engineering, which will help in observing the human body at a cellular and molecular level.He also said that the team working on the project includes a cancer specialist along with other doctors as well as electrical and mechanical engineers, an astrophysicist is also there to guide them on how to track the particles that are present in the body.Now, here’s my question to you: if it could really detect cancer, if it could really detect a heart attack, would you swallow the pill?It is Google, after all. What else is in the pill? My first thought is i’d be really torn. What types of tracking do they have? Without a doubt there will be a 2,000 page terms of use. BOMBSHELL: N.C. Sen. Kay Hagan Campaign Workers Caught on Video Telling Illegal Aliens to VOTE“Voter fraud does not exist.”That has been the Democrat’s Orwellian mantra for years, in a cynical attempt to defeat any and all photo ID laws.But as Top Right News has reported multiple times, Democrats commit massive organized voter fraud across the nation every election cycle. With illegal aliens, felons, even dead people. They just don’t usually get caught. Non-Citizens Are Voting non-citizen voting be a problem in next week’s elections, and perhaps even swing some very close elections?A new study by two Old Dominion University professors, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, indicated that 6.4 percent of all non-citizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election, and 2.2 percent in the 2010 midterms. Given that 80 percent of non-citizens lean Democratic, they cite Al Franken ’s 312-vote win in the 2008 Minnesota U.S. Senate race as one likely tipped by non-citizen voting. As a senator, Franken cast the 60th vote needed to make Obamacare law.North Carolina features one of the closest Senate races in the country this year, between Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan and Republican Thom Tillis. So what guerrilla filmmaker James O’Keefe, the man who has uncovered voter irregularities in states ranging from Colorado to New Hampshire, has learned in North Carolina is disturbing. This month, North Carolina officials found at least 145 illegal aliens, still in the country thanks to the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, registered to vote. Hundreds of other non-citizens may be on the rolls.A voter-registration card is routinely issued without any identification check, and undocumented workers can use it for many purposes, including obtaining a driver’s license and qualifying for a job. And if a non-citizen has a voter-registration card, there are plenty of campaign operatives who will encourage him or her to vote illegally.O’Keefe had a Brazilian-born immigrant investigator pose as someone who wanted to vote but was not a citizen. Greg Amick, the campaign manager for the Democrat running for sheriff in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte), was only too happy to help.Multiple NC Campaign Workers Willing to Aid Non-Citizen With Felony Kay Hagan Votes Amick: Here’s a couple of things you can do. You do not have to have your driver’s license, but do you have any sort of identification?Project Veritas investigator: But I do have my driver’s license.Amick: Oh, you do. Show ’em that and you’re good.PV: But the only problem, you know, I don’t want to vote if I’m not legal. I think that’s going to be a problem. I’m not sure.Amick: It won’t be, it shouldn’t be an issue at all.PV: No?Amick: As long as you are registered to vote, you’ll be fine.So, here you have the campaign manager telling someone who clearly stated that through a government mishap that is now registered to vote and has an ID. But she is concerned because she is not a legal immigrant. The campaign manager just says it’s fine, just go, no problem.These people who are facilitating the voting, they have no respect. And the people who are looking to get elected have no respect for the process. I hope that every single one of these guys go to jail because this is one of the most important freedoms that we have. What Happens When A School Pays Teachers $125,000 A Year teacher salaries may help students do better in school, according to a study by Mathmatica Policy Research. The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School in New York City pays its teachers $125,000 a year, plus bonuses.The research, which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, shows test scores at the charter school are higher in math, science and English.The study was authored by Joshua Furgeson, Moira McCullough, Clare Wolfendale, Brian Gill.“We found that after four years of being enrolled in TEP, that students achieved about an additional 1.6 years of school in math, about 0.6 years of school in science, about 0.4 years of schooling in English language arts,” Furgeson told Here & Now’s Jeremy Hobson.Unfortunately, this is not the case. The pay alone isn't not the deciding factor whether or not you're going to get good teachers.If you can't fire a teacher, if you got all kinds of rules and regulations on what a teacher can teach and how a teacher can teach it, then you don't get better teachers.What you get is more expensive teachers. You get the same crummy teachers you've always had but you get more costly ones. What the charter schools prove is that when you separate yourself from the bureaucracy, when you have the ability to be discretionary in your hiring and firing, when you hold teachers to a higher standard, and compensate them better, what happens is more good teachers comes to you. It's amazing how that works.Good teachers want to work with other good teachers. No teacher wants to work in a place where they're surrounded by terrible teachers, where they're surrounded by a school administration that doesn't care about the kids, that doesn't care about the education process, who isn't willing to listen to new ideas or think outside the box. Good teachers don't want to work at those places. So when you offer them an alternative like a private charter school, they will flood there. Charter schools really has their pick of the liter because they will pay more.And guess what, people who care about a better education for their kids will also seek out those schools, they will find the extra money that they need in order to pay for the tuition. But this is a discussion for another day and I want to touch back on this later.Until next time, be safe and be good.I will talk to you on Monday.Support the show.

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