Prostitute Scandal Gets Worse, The Poor Still Can't Get Care, and "Bibi" smacked by White House

Coming to you live deep in the Heart of America.Welcome back to The Live Show!First headline of the day: Investigator of the Secret Service prostitution scandal resigns.If you will remember back, there were a group of secret service agents who were on an advanced detail and they ended up going to Colombia. They were lady implicated in a prostitution scandal. And 8 of them were subsequently fired. For those of you who don’t understand how an advanced detail works, let me explain.When you’re doing close protection work, of which I have quite a bit of experience, you have on a large scale operation like you would have protecting a President or high ranking Senators or something like that, you typically have two teams. You have the actual close protection element that guards the person that you’re there to protect. And you have an advanced team that goes to the locations that the individual is going to be at prior to them arriving, does a bunch of coordination, and makes sure that things are secure.So you have a group of secret service agents who travel to Colombia as part of the advanced element. And while they were there, they got their advance work done, it was late in the night, they got an itch they got to scratch, it’s right there. It’s right in front of you, just go over there. So they ended up paying for sex and got kicked out of the Secret Service.Now, they had assigned an investigator, David Nieland, to try and figure out if a crime had been committed here. He was part of the Department of Homeland Security who was tasked with the internal review of the Secrete Service in the 2012 prostitution scandal. He quietly resigned in August after he was implicated on his own incident involving prostitution. Investigator in Secret Service prostitution scandal resigns after being implicated in own incident investigator leading the probe into the Secret Service's 2012 prostitution scandal quietly resigned in August after he was implicated in a prostitution entanglement of his own.A senior administration official confirmed to Fox News that David Nieland was observed entering and leaving a building that was under surveillance as part of a prostitution investigation by sheriff's deputies in Broward County, Fla.Authorities later interviewed a prostitute who identified Nieland in a photo and said he had paid her for sex.Nieland resigned after he refused to answer questions from a Department of Homeland Security official about the incident.What do you expect? When you give people massive amounts of authority, if you needed any validation that corruption exists everywhere and that absolute power corrupts absolutely, you need to look no further than the single man who was in charge of monitoring and reviewing the Secret Service investigation. Here’s another one:Man beheads woman & jumps in front of train man beheaded a woman at her Long Island apartment Tuesday night and dragged her out into the street where he kicked her severed head about 20 feet before jumping in front of a train, cops and witnesses said.Some of the neighbors thought the headless body in the street was a Halloween prank, only to lift the lifeless body and discover it was real, witnesses said.The man was struck and killed by a LIRR train about 25 minutes later.It’s wild and crazy times in New York. Never a dull moment.You know, I laugh a little bit about it because, if you don’t, it’s just so sad. This is a bad situation. Bad things happen all the time. With 24 hour news cycles, you tend to see more of them than you saw years ago. But it was a rarity in this country when somebody got beheaded. Not so much anymore. We have a ton of stuff in the stack today.I got so much stuff today that I want to go over with you and so many different angles that I want to present to you.We have got some folks who are inside of the Obama Administration who are just saying some absolutely atrocious things about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.We’ve got the Michael Brown case and the anonymous leaking stuff so we’ll be talking about that.As I’ve mentioned on this show before, we’re starting to see the repercussions of what happens in an economy when you make things cheap. You get a lot of people who want it and a lot of people who were providing it who don’t want to provide it anymore. Now we’ve got a report here that some doctors are wary of taking insurance exchange patients.The FCC Chair is looking to spur the online video future. It looks as though the FCC is going to help facilitate a way for consumers to cut the cord from the cable companies.And, Google, I noticed this out of the BBC, they are developing a cancer and heart attack detector. In addition, Royals taking command in game 6. It’s like a totally different team. We get back in our own turf and now we’re in very good position because in the last 7 times there has been a game 7 in the World Series, the home advantage team has won. It’s winner takes all tonight so huge day for Kansas City. -----If you would like to discuss anything with John about the show, email him at Jason@TheLiveShow.TVYou can also use the hashtag #TheLiveShowFollow Jason on Twitter: Us on Facebook: you are really enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing at The Live Show, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at you interested in advertising on The Live Show?Reach out to us at Advertising@TheLiveShow.TVWe’d love to talk with you.-----SponsorsTrade Pro Futures: industry's top futures and forex trading platforms.Trade Empowered: how to day-trade, swing-trade, or become a profitable long term trader.Main Street Alpha: social site that links up professional successful traders with verifiable track records to capital.----- I was thinking about this prostitution scandal just right now. When you go to foreign countries, prostitution is legal, it’s open, they have entire houses with big signs that say ‘come here’ for your paid tail. In the United States, not so easy to come across it so I’m just curious.It’s easy to make bad decisions when bad decisions are staring at you in the face and nobody is there to say that this might be a bad idea. But this guy in Florida, man, I don’t even know where would you go in Kansas City. I can only imagine but it would be the most unsafe place in town. But it’s something you have to work for here in the U.S. right? It’s not just out in the open. And so for a guy to know that he’s the investigator, that he’s the guy that’s investigating this scandal and to still have gone to the effort, it’s just, I don’t know. He had to work for it basically. It wasn’t like it was out in the open. Anonymous Unveils Explosive ‘Leaks’ on Michael Brown Grand Jury and Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson group Anonymous is claiming that officer Darren Wilson will not be indicted by a grand jury in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, according to purported government sources.On or about November 10, 2014 the Grand Jury decision will be announced. Darren Wilson will NOT be indicted on ANY charges related to the murder of Mike Brown. All local police Chiefs and jail commanders have been notified to begin preparing for major civil unrest. Governor Nixon has been notified of the impending announcement and has ordered the Missouri National Guard to begin preparations for a possible re-enstatement of the martial law that was declared at the beginning of the Ferguson protests.It’s what we’ve been saying from the very beginning. We’ve been telling the protesters to not hitch your star to this kid. This kid is not the guy you want as the poster chid for your movement against police brutality.I am not suggesting by the way, as I’ve said many times, that they don’t have a legitimate complaint about the police force in America. I’m not suggesting that at all.They may have very valid claims against brutality, discrimination against certain police officers or police stations across the country. What I’ve been saying is, this is not the kid, this is not one of those cases.What you ought to be doing is you ought to be finding those cases that actually do have some sort of racial bias or discriminatory bias, civil rights violation, or freedom or liberty violation. This is not it. Britain ends combat role in Afghanistan, last U.S. Marines hand over base troops ended their combat operations in Afghanistan on Sunday as they and U.S. Marines handed over two huge adjacent bases to the Afghan military, 13 years after a U.S.-led invasion launched the long and costly war against the Taliban.Their coming departure leaves Afghanistan and its newly installed president, Ashraf Ghani, to deal almost unaided with an emboldened Taliban insurgency after the last foreign combat troops withdraw by year-end.At the U.S. Camp Leatherneck and Britain's Camp Bastion, which lie next to each other in the southwestern province of Helmand, troops lowered the American and British flags for the final time on Sunday and folded them away.The U.S. military is leaving behind about $230 million worth of property and equipment –- including a major airstrip at the base, plus roads and buildings -- for the Afghan military.The battles have raised concerns about whether Afghan forces are truly able to hold off the Taliban without intelligence and air support from the United States and its allies. "I'm cautiously optimistic they will be able to sustain themselves," said Brig. Gen Daniel Yoo, the commander of Regional Command (Southwest).He said the success of the Afghan security forces depended on leadership, continued development of logistics and confidence."They've got to want it more than we do," he said.What’s unfortunate is we didn’t do this sooner. There was no reason for men and women to continue to be there to be fighting and dying for nothing. Once we realized and it became apparent that they had no idea, no plan for an exit strategy of what success looked like, it became a political stunt.What they should have done was, the second they decided ‘look we’ve done what we can do. We need to get out of here’. They should have just overnight been gone. There’s no reason to be out there to be fighting and dying for nothing. What a Senior Obama Admin. Official Reportedly Called Netanyahu Signals Relations Are at a ‘Full-Blown Crisis’“The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickens**t,” this official said.“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official reportedly added, expanding on his “chickens**t” comment. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat.”Another administration official told Goldberg that he agreed the Israeli prime minister is a “chickens**t,” but went further, calling Netanyahu a “coward” in regards to the way he has dealt with the growing Iranian nuclear threat.We have one sound relationship in the Middle East. One partner for freedom and democracy in the entire region. And Obama is going to single handedly tear that to the ground.It's absolutely unacceptable and it has to stop. And to wrap up, we cover what's happening with Obamacare and how there are case after case of it not working.Some doctors wary of taking insurance exchange patients that many people finally have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges, some are running into a new problem: They can't find a doctor who will take them as patients.Because these exchange plans often have lower reimbursement rates, some doctors are limiting how many new patients they take with these policies, physician groups and other experts say."The exchanges have become very much like Medicaid," says Andrew Kleinman, a plastic surgeon and president of the Medical Society of the State of New York. "Physicians who are in solo practices have to be careful to not take too many patients reimbursed at lower rates or they're not going to be in business very long." The Coming Divide Episode on The Live Show, October 8, 2014 The Coming Divide by Jason Stapleton: “If insurance premiums are going up most Americans who now have insurance are going to become more dependent on their employer to help defer some of the cost. This, in turn, will likely decrease the mobility of ourworkforce since people will be less likely to quit jobs, start new businesses, or apply for better jobs out of fear they might lose their health insurance. If you feel trapped in a job now and are afraid to quit because the company has such good benefits, just wait. In the world of ObamaCare it will be virtually impossible to leave your employer. Here’s why.In addition to a personal mandate, ObamaCare also goes after corporations. Those are the evil institutions that provide jobs and create products that produce wealth. In the eyes of many in Washington, a company exists not to make a profit for its shareholders or to create value for consumers. Rather, that company exists to provide jobs, pensions, and health insurance to its workers. In their, eyes making a profit should always come second to caring for the worker.”EXCERPT: “The new corporate mandate forces most American businesses to offer government­ approved health insurance to their employees or else pay new federal taxes for not doing so. Not all corporations fall under this new law. Right now the bar is set at 50 employees or more. So if you run a company with 50 or more employees or if you work for a company that has more than 50 employees, you’re going to be affected.Under the new mandate, if a company does not offer health insurance and has at least one employee receiving a subsidy from the government then that company must pay a $2,000 fine per employee.Even if the company does offer health insurance, if they have an employee who can get a better deal with a subsidized insurance program, that company will also be taxed at $2,000 per employee (exempting the first30 employees).”EXCERPT: “But it doesn’t stop there. Even if the employer does offer health insurance, if one person who works for them opts for an alternative, subsidized health insurance, that company is still liable to for the penalty because the company did not provide “adequate” coverage. So they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.Now step back for a moment and let’s contemplate what the cost of providing coverage might be to those employers. Remember, by the IRS’s own filings they expect the cheapest plan to run $20,000 year. This is several multiples higher than the current cost for health insurance. Companies that now offer insurance will now be faced with a choice. Pay double or triple what they now pay per employee or simply suck it up and pay the penalty. Which one do you think most large companies will choose?If you work for a small company (less than 50 employees) and you happen to have health insurance now, do you think they are likely to continue to provide it when premiums double or triple? The answer is no. What you will see over the next several years is companies dropping their health insurance coverage and pushing people onto the exchanges.” What it all means for you, your children, and your grandchildren?EXCERPT: “The new law will have a very damaging effect on entry­ level workers. When I turned 16, I walked across the street from my house and got a job washing dishes at a Pizza Hut for $5 an hour. Over the course of the next several years I moved from one company to the next. There was a high degree of mobility and I had the opportunity to advance at a young age. In the summer I switched from working 20 hours a week to 40 or 50, depending on who I was working for and how badly I needed money. There was a massive amount of opportunity for a kid who was willing to work hard.I also gained a great deal of work experience. I had the chance to work in a variety of industries and even tried my hand at entrepreneurship by cutting grass with a friend in the summer. Entry ­level jobs were easy to come by and a poor kid like me learned a lot about the value of hard work. Had I decided to stay at the Pizza Hut, I could have easily worked my way up to a manager and even purchased my own franchises down the line. There was upward mobility, a chance to start at the bottom and retire rich.I think that kind of opportunity is over. With the passage of ObamaCare, companies like Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Home Depot, and a host of other companies that offer a low barrier for entry and a chance to advance, will have to drastically change the way the hire and advance employees.”As is typical with progressives, they have the best of intentions but they're never measured on the outcomes, only on the intentions. They had an intention of healthcare for all as though you could just mandate that everybody receives a certain amount of a commodity and not affect the supply and demand of that commodity at all.And this is what you get. Now people who have subsidized health programs, they don't have coverage. In fact, they can't even find a doctor. What will happen over time is fewer and fewer future students are going to get into the medical field to become doctors.It's coming, it's here now. And the longer it's here, the more it reaches it's tentacles into every part of our lives.Support the show.

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