Why Ferguson Protesters Should Stop Protesting
I'm chomping at the bit today! Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot wait to get the show started because we are jam packed full of news today.One of the best things that happened was the Royals won 7 - 2 over the Giants last night. Complete and total turnaround from game one! We looked sharp. How about that pitching? We’ve got some talent and it was fun to watch.Moving on, let’s lead off with some ebola news. Family: Amber Vinson free of Ebola virushttp://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/10/22/ebola-amber-vinson-recovery/17742417/The family also said that the 29-year-old nurse, who contracted the virus from Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan, was regaining strength and that her spirits were high."We are overjoyed to announce that, as of yesterday evening, officials at Emory University Hospital and the Centers for Disease Control (and Prevention) are no longer able to detect virus in her body," the family said in a statement hours after Vinson spoke with her mother, Debra Berry.Dallas nurse, Amber Vinson, free of ebola. Now, keep in mind, this means nothing at all. The CDC is saying that 900,000 people will die of ebola. We have an epidemic, according to the CDC and the news media. Officially, we have gone from 3 ebola patients to 1 ebola patient. And, just released, 43 potential ebola patients now ebola free.It seems to be things are fairly under control. Unfortunately, that can’t be the case because that’s not what the CDC says. According to the CDC, it’s a death sentence. What’s funny is that they don’t say whether it’s an airborne virus or not. What they say is, we can’t confirm that it’s not. So, naturally, that’s just designed to strike fear into the hearts of man.It’s so not an issue and it’s just frustrating to me that we keep on having to have this discussion. This is designed to do nothing more than to create fear and panic in you. And we’re not going to do that. If no one else will do it, then we will be the voice of reason.Us and Shepard Smith. -----If you would like to discuss anything with John about the show, email him at Jason@TheLiveShow.TVYou can also use the hashtag #TheLiveShowFollow Jason on Twitter: www.Twitter.com/TheLiveShowTVFollow Us on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/TheLiveShowTV-----If you are really enjoying the show and would like to support what we're doing at The Live Show, please consider donating to our cause. You can do that at www.Patreon.com/TheLiveShow-----Are you interested in advertising on The Live Show?Reach out to us at Advertising@TheLiveShow.TVWe’d love to talk with you.-----SponsorsTrade Pro Futures: http://tradeprofutures.com/The industry's top futures and forex trading platforms.Trade Empowered: http://www.tradeempowered.com/Learn how to day-trade, swing-trade, or become a profitable long term trader.Main Street Alpha: http://mainstreetalpha.com/A social site that links up professional successful traders with verifiable track records to capital.----- Ferguson Protesters Invade Police Department After Revealing Autopsy, Toxicology Reports Leakhttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/10/22/ferguson-protesters-invade-police-department-after-revealing-autopsy-toxicology-reports-leak/Protesters seeking “justice” in the officer-involved shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown marched inside the St. Louis County Police Department on Wednesday afternoon.“If we don’t get justice here, we’ll get it on the streets,” one activist yelled, according to St. Louis Post-Dispatch Reporter Steve Giegerich. A leaked toxicology report showed that Brown had tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly referred to as THC, in his blood and urine and may have been impaired. Further, an autopsy report suggested that there was a “significant altercation at the car.”The alleged account of Ferguson officer Darren Wilson, who fatally shot Brown, was also included in Tuesday night’s explosive reports.If you remember several weeks ago, I talked about the rioters destroying their own town, burning down their own convenience stores. Well, there’s new evidence out today that proves that Michael Brown had THC in his system.His urine and his blood showed THC in his system, which would explain a lot because one of the things that I’ve never understood about the the shooting and what happened was what would cause a kid if he sees the cops, what would possess him to run to the cop, punch him in the face while he’s in his vehicle, reach in, try to grab his gun and then ultimately get shot. And then what would possess him after being shot to then turn around and continue to confront the officer.Well, now we find out. There’s a reasonable explanation for it.It’s because he was hopped up on THC.On Wednesday, protesters went into the police station to demand justice saying “if we don’t get justice here, we’ll get it on the streets.” I think that somebody needs to explain what justice means because apparently justice to the protesters is convicting a man of murder with absolutely no substantiating evidence whatsoever. Apparently, justice to these individuals is ignoring all of the facts and looking only at the individual’s race. And making your determination as to their guilt or innocence based on the color of their skin. Now, in my mind, that’s racism.But it turns out that they in fact are storming police stations now threatening that if they don’t get justice, which i’m assuming is a conviction of Officer Wilson where he goes to prison regardless of the evidence of the crime, that that’s the only thing that will suffice in terms of justice. That that in their mind is justice.And I say, what kind of world are we living in?Again, the protesters that are out there, this has nothing to do about justice for Michael Brown. It’s important that you understand that. None of this has to do with justice for Michael Brown. What they may have is they may have complaints about the Ferguson Police Department and those complaints may be justified. But this is not the case that you use to justify and to let out your anger because this case has absolutely nothing to do with justice.What I’m saying is, there may be merit to the argument. But they’re pinning, they’re hitching their wagon to a lost cause. Michael Brown died because he was a criminal who apparently was on drugs and who had just got done robbing a convenience store. Then he attacked in officer and was shot dead. If you’re a protester, this is not who you’ll want to be hitching your wagon to. This is not the one you want to make your stand on.There is police corruption all throughout the United States. Go find that. Go find the real corruption. Go find the real Black kid who was gunned down for no good reason. I just saw an article, police raided the wrong house and a 7 year old kid was murdered by the police after they raided the wrong house, shot dead in their bed. This happens every day. Go protest that. Don’t protest this. This makes you look bad. Canada's parliament attacked, soldier fatally shot nearbyhttp://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/22/us-canada-attacks-shooting-idUSKCN0IB1PY20141022Canadian officials identify shooter in brazen attack on Parliament complexhttp://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/10/22/soldier-shot-at-war-memorial-near-canadian-parliament/There was a mass shooting at Canada’s parliament and before this shooting occurred, there was a shooting at a memorial where two soldiers shot, one was wounded and one was killed. Now, the individual who did the shooting at parliament is now dead. The shooter was Michael Zehaf-Bibeau. This individual, a Quebec native, is thought to have recently converted to Islam. Fox News Hosts Tell Young Women Not To Vote, Go Back To Tinder And Match.comhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/22/fox-news-young-women-voters-kimberly-guilfoyle-midterm-election_n_6028054.html"The Five" co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle said Tuesday that young women should excuse themselves from voting in the upcoming midterm elections because they don't share the same "life experience" as older women and should just go back to playing around on Tinder and Match.com."It's the same reason why young women on juries are not a good idea," Guilfoyle said. "They don't get it!"Earlier in the conversation, co-host Greg Gutfeld made the point that "with age comes wisdom" and the "older you get, the more conservative you get."Just as there should be no Al Sharpton on MSNBC, there should be no 5 on Fox. It’s nothing more than a bunch of people sitting around spewing right wing propaganda. $10G to watch grass grow: Coburn report details worst examples of gov't wastehttp://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/10/22/10000-to-watch-grass-grow-coburn-annual-report-details-wasteful-govt-spending/As American taxpayers worried about the terror threat from the Islamic State, the crisis at the border and the economy, the U.S. government spent their money to give rabbits massages, to teach sea monkeys to synchronize swim and to literally watch grass grow. University of Pennsylvania Economist: The Rich Are Best Off Paying Tax Rate of…http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/10/22/university-of-pennsylvania-economist-the-rich-are-best-off-paying-tax-rate-of/A pair of economists are making the case that the top federal income tax rate has been far too low for far too long.The current top tax rate is nearly 40 percent, a figure that University of Bonn professor Fabian Kindermann and Dirk Krueger, of the University of Pennsylvania, are claiming should be more than doubled.Krueger told The Huffington Post that all Americans are better off if the top 1 percent of income earners pay a tax rate of “somewhere between 85 and 90 percent.” Kindermann and Krueger believe that increasing the top tax rate to roughly 90 percent would decrease “wealth inequality” and bring in more revenue for the federal government.“High marginal tax rates provide social insurance against not making it into the 1 percent,” Krueger added. Economists Say We Should Tax The Rich At 90 Percenthttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/22/economists-tax-rich_n_6024430.htmlAmerica has been doing income taxes wrong for more than 50 years.All Americans, including the rich, would be better off if top tax rates went back to Eisenhower-era levels when the top federal income tax rate was 91 percent, according to a new working paper by Fabian Kindermann from the University of Bonn and Dirk Krueger from the University of Pennsylvania.The top tax rate that makes all citizens, including the highest 1 percent of earners, the best off is “somewhere between 85 and 90 percent,” Krueger told The Huffington Post. Currently, the top rate of 39.6 percent is paid on income above $406,750 for individuals and $457,600 for couples.These 'economists' are wrong on so many levels.I explain why and how in every single one of their points because this is the type of study that liberals and progressives will use to arm themselves. And you've got to be prepared and understand what the facts are about economics because these two researchers do not understand economics. I don't care if they call themselves economists. They have not a clue what they're talking about. Make sure you watch or listen to Jason's complete analysis.Support the show.