Ep. 186 - 10 Things To Live A More Successful Life
To me, success means living life at a higher standard. It means more than just making good money, it means being happy in every aspect of your life. It means being your absolute best when it comes to your career, body, health, mental capacity, spiruality, relationships, etc... And today, we cover the 10 things I believe you NEED in order to live a more successul life. - The 4 Pillars We All Want Success In. (4:05) 1.) The Morning Ritual. (8:08) 2.) Make Money From Somthing You're Actually Passionate About. (14:37) 3.) Train Really Hard, Once A Week - Minimum. (18:57) 4.) Eat To Support Humanly Functions. (22:47) 5.) Create Space For Yourself Once A Week. (24:37) 6.) Spend More Money On Experiences and Daily Comfort, and Less on Material Goods. (31:58) 7.) Build Meaniful Connections and Relationships. (37:46) 8.) Have Short, Medium, and Long-Term Goals, Always. (42:36) 9.) Have A Mentor/Coach. (45:56) 10.) Push Into Resistance. (49:39) [LEARN HOW TO HELP THE SHOW] This podcast is 100% free, helping YOU live longer and better for no cost at all. In fact, 95% or more of the content we provide at B.B.P. is completely free, because our #1 core value is to be a Go Giver. Which is why we created a Patreon page so you can donate as little as $1 per month to help us provide more free content. 100% of donations go back to creating more free content for you. You can help the movement grow by visiting: https://www.patreon.com/boomboomperformance Check Out Cody's Latest Training Program, Functional Muscle, by visiting http://boomboomperformance.com/functional-muscle Get Coach Cody's E-Book, "The Nutrition Hierarchy: The All Inclusive Guide To Mastering Your Diet”, by visiting http://boomboomperformance.com/nutrition-hierarchy To Apply For Coaching With Boom Boom Performance, visit – http://boomboomperformance.com/online-coaching/#sign-up Social Links: Blog – www.boomboomperformance.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/boomboomperformance/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cody.boomboom/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/BoomBoomPerformance Email – info@boomboomperformance.com