Keto Breastfeeding, Conventional Meat Cuts, Fasted BJJ | THRR040
Proper mold/mycotoxin testing, Fasted BJJ, Statins vs PSK9 inhibitors for high LDLs, Best Conventional Meat Cut, Keto and breastfeeding
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News topic du jour:
Original UN tweet I talked about seems to be deleted/removed:
1. Proper mold/mycotoxin testing [17:20]
Scott says:
Hello Robb and Nicki,
I've been struggling with mycotoxins/Lyme. I read Toxic by Dr. Nathan last October when my doctor diagnosed. I am wondering can you recommend a company that can test for ERMI and do the plate testing. I live in a 1 bedroom apartment. I had testing done in October but was not as informed at that time and it was a company that did the basic air quality although even that did have some positives as well as my 1st GPL urine test and most recent one this month. I live in Oak Park, IL which is a suburb of Chicago. Thank you in advance for your time and information.
With gratitude,
Scott Davis
2. Fasted BJJ [19:43]
Eric says:
Hi Robb and Nicki,
First, thanks for all that both of you do. I’m a listener since episode one of The Paleo Solution Podcast and continue to refer my personal training clients to all of your content, new and old.
Ok, context first. I’ve been a time restricted eater for about a year and half and have had great results. Monday-Saturday I run an 18:6 protocol and Sunday’s are 16:8. Whether it’s 6am or towards the end of the TRE window, I feel good and perform well when I have a strength or sprint workout.
Next week I start no gi BJJ from 11:30-1pm Tues/Thurs. I typically end my TRE around 12:30 or so but am wondering how BJJ workouts will play out. Should I supplement with quality sea salt and/or other electrolytes since they have little or no impact on most types of fasting (per Dr. Rhonda Patrick)? Of course I’m going to give it a whirl and see how it goes but just curious in case I end up needing something.
Again, thanks and keep up the great work!
3. Statins vs PSK9 inhibitors for high LDLs [24:42]
Dr. Mandal says:
Hey Robb and Nicki. I shot this question off to the Peter Atia podcast also cause I'd be genuinely intrigued how someone with your biochemistry background would approach this problem, I know you can't give medical advice, but just wondering what ideas you'd have about treating someone like myself with an elevated LDL particle count who has an APOE3/E4 genotype. The LDL particle count did improve with a 3 times a week dosing with Lipitor 10mg. However, since statins work by diminishing the output of total cholesterol by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase would long term use of a statin eventually be detrimental to someone who is more prone to Alzheimer's dementia with an APOE3/E4 genotype? Would a PSK9 inhibitor be a better choice since it works by removing LDL particles? Additionally, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL levels, and inflammatory markers are excellent and are controlled with a targeted keto-ish diet (
I'm so grateful for all that you've done. I had stalled at 40 lbs lost. Because of you, Cordain and Sisson, along with my physicians, I've lost an additional 49 lbs over the last eight years. Your books and wonderful podcasts have helped me immeasurably and helped me help others in their pursuit of better health. Keep up the great work.
How Do PCSK9 Inhibitors Stack Up to Statins for Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Control?
4. Best Conventional Meat Cut? [35:06]
Whit says:
Higher quality meat (e.g., pastured, grass-fed and finished) is the ideal, but life is not ideal. You mentioned before on the podcast that the differences between conventional and high-quality is narrower from a pure nutritional perspective than many in the paleo-sphere espouse. If you are opting for conventional meat, is it better to go for leaner cuts to minimize accumulation of contaminants that might appear in the fat of fattier cuts? I've heard this noted in a few sources, but isn't cited. Is that idea less evidence-based and more opinion-as-evidence?
5. Keto and breastfeeding [37:12]
Jacqueline says:
Hey Robb & Nikki!
Sorry if you’ve covered this before and I missed it...
I have been a big keto’er for several years now off and on. I was very keto when I was pregnant with my daughter 4 yrs ago and then fell off after she was born. After having another baby last Nov, I decided I wanted to go keto. Between interrupted sleep and carrying the extra baby weight I wanted a natural energy boost. Fat loss isn’t my target.
My question for you is, how do you find a good carb range while breastfeeding? I have a keto-mojo and my numbers tend to sky rocket! I have noticed I feel the best around 1.5-2.3mmol (coincidence maybe, but I can usually call it before testing. I just feel good). This morning I woke up back in the 4.0+ range, groggy & a bit of a headache (which all is the norm). My glucose is steady around 75-80. I tried eating more, eating less, cutting dairy, less fat, etc... the only way to lower my ketone level is to eat more carbs, but we are talking like 50net a day and I worry that is more “low carb” and could cause damage to my body (seeing as I’m in high ketosis).
I’d imagine breastfeeding contributes to the high numbers. I ditched intermittent fasting (for now), I am active with 3 kids all day & I CrossFit about 30mins a day. I guess I’m wondering if I should just accept the high ketone levels, if its safe to add more carbs to lower that number, or if there is something I am missing or doing wrong?
I keto with a group of friends and they’re all comfortable at .5-1.5, so we can’t figure out why my readings are so high!
Sorry if this was long, I appreciate any advice you may have!
This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by White Oak Pastures. White Oak Pastures is a six-generation, 154-year-old family farm in Bluffton, GA. They pasture-raise 10 species of livestock and practice regenerative agriculture that improves the land. Their cattle and sheep are grassfed, their pork and poultry are pasture-raised and given non-GMO feed. All their meats are raised, slaughtered, and butchered on the farm. They also sell organic vegetables, pasture-raised eggs, honey, pet chews, leather items, tallow goods, and more artisan products that they make on the farm. They are committed to animal welfare, land regeneration, and rural revival. Check them out at and enter code REBEL10 to get 10% off product total ($100 max discount) for first-time customers.