Toxic Cinnamon, Increasing Testosterone, Carbs for Fat Loss | THRR039

Paleo 30 Day Meal Plan for Testosterone and Sperm Health, Low HDL Levels, Protein Amount on Carnivore, Going “Higher” Carb for Fat Loss?, Cinnamon.

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Beyond Mitigation

1. Paleo 30 Day Meal Plan [11:48]

Victor says:


My wife and I will be starting the Paleo 30 Days Meal Plan next Monday, June 1. We are both quite excited about it and the results we believe we will feel. One major issue that I wanted to get your advice on is the fact that I am trying to put on muscle mass over the summer break (I am a teacher and coach) before I return (hopefully due to COVID-19) to school in August. I am trying to raise my Testosterone levels after getting a blood test earlier this month at my Urologist office and while the tests were mainly normal they were on the “low normal” side. My plan is to do Double Kettlebell movements, short sprint workouts and of course the Paleo Nutrition Plan. We are trying to conceive a baby over the next 2 months (Hopefully before we both have to return to school in August - She is a teacher also). I have been told and researched that building more muscle as well as building overall strength will help increase my Free Testosterone naturally (Oh yeah I forgot to mention I will be 50 on June 20 - Former track and field athlete - 400 meters primarily - very lean build, CrossFit from 2012-2015, Kettlebell Training and movements primarily since Summer of 2015; My wife is 16 years younger than me). With all that said, do you have any additional advice as it relates to how the Paleo 30 Day Meal Plan and continuing eating Paleo afterwards will help me accomplish my goals? Increasing muscle mass, getting stronger and increasing my chances of fathering a child (sperm quality, count etc.). I am not sure how much the Paleo Nutrition Plan can or will address these issues but appreciate any advice you can give. Thank you.

2. Low HDL Levels [17:18]

Matt says:


I have now for the 3rd year in a row tested low for my HDL level, in the extreme level.  I am a 39 year old male 6'-2" about 215 lbs.  I also suffer from Ulcerative Colitis for 3.5 years since diagnosed.  This year my HDL was a 29 last year 28 and the year before 27.  I have been listening to you since I head you on Cleared Hot.  Do you have any suggestions what I can do I workout and try have a health diet and I cannot drop weight or get the HDL levels up.  my LDL is at a great level and my triglycerides are high as well.


Matt Sperling

3. Protein amount [22:13]

Matt says:

Hey Robb,

Thanks for all of your work in the nutritional wellness space.  The nuance is real and you don't try and over simplify this complicated subject like many other voices out there, which I appreciate.  I enjoy how you start many of your answers with "Man, this is a tough one", because, let's be honest, very little in this space is very straight forward.

But enough about you, let's talk about me.  I've recently started a carnivore diet to see how things go. My story is long and I won't get into all the details as they are not relevant to my question but for a little context/explanation, I developed pretty extensive vitiligo seemingly out of the blue about a year ago.  I'm tinkering with carnivore to see if I can get some improvement. I have seen some re-pigmentation already (it's been about 6 weeks).

I've been learning quite a bit from Paul Saladino and am formulating my plan similar to his nose to tail approach. I'm about 160lbs, fairly low body fat (10ish percent probably) but would like to gain a few lbs of lean muscle so I'm shooting for roughly 175-185 grams of protein and 200+ grams of fat totaling around 3000 total calories. Protein sources are sirloin tip, egg yolks, whole sardines from frozen, bone broth, beef liver (chicken liver if can't find beef), beef heart, and beef spleen at this point. Still working to source some other organs as well .  Fat is primarily beef suet.  All of these (minus the sardines) are from local farms. I wouldn't call myself strict carnivore at this point, I do have some days of only animal products but I also add in some fruit and honey from time to time.

All that said, my question is quite simple - should the protein target include the protein from the organ meats or should the 175-185 come only from lean muscle meats/egg yolks? I'm getting 6-8 total ounces of organ meats per day which equates to around 30-40 grams give or take.  Up to now I have included them in the total but if this is not right I should probably add another half pound or so of muscle meat per day. I've heard you talk about not including the collagen protein from bone broth in the total protein target but I'm unsure about organ meats.



4. Going “higher” carb for fat loss? [30:34]

Chris says:

Hi guys,

I have been a long time listener, follower of the Paleo lifestyle, and a couple years ago, completed Robb’s  Keto Masterclass. I followed the Ketogains protocol, weighing and measuring, for several months. I lost a good amount of weight but was otherwise miserable - constantly “hangry,” terrible sleep, increasing anxiety, etc.

I recently started working with a Doctor and Nutritionist I found thru the Paleo Physicians Network. After looking at bloodwork, the Doctor referred to me as a “sugar burner,” even though I had been on a low-carb or VLC keto diet for a pretty long time. The Nutritionist suggested I try carb-cycling thru either some back-loading, TKD or CKD type profile.

I’ve been playing with the CKD thing now for a couple months, using a combo of Ketogains and Lyle McDonald  “refeed” macros. I haven’t been losing any weight, but I definitely feel better in the 24-48 hours post-refeed.

This got me thinking back to the Keto Masterclass and Robb talking about some needing higher carb intake (did I mention my stress management is , and we have a toddler who won’t stay in his bed going on almost 4 years now?)

This “carb-search” got me looking at things like (RP) Renaissance Periodization and WAG (Working Against Gravity). I know it’s marketing, but it seems like there are a lot of pretty significant transformations, but both seem much higher carb than many of us listeners might be used to.

So, my question is, what gives?!?!?  Who should/shouldn’t try these types of programs and, if one wanted to just test it out, how long should I give it to gauge whether it’s working or not?


link to sarah's article:

5. Cinnamon [36:33]

Charlie says:

In a previous podcast you mentioned in passing that cinnamon is toxic,

but you didn't explain. Could you explain? My wife and I have only been

buying ceylon cinnamon since then as you suggested, but I have no idea

why, haha! Thanks again.

Notes: Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin


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