Elemental Diets, Fatigue During COVID, Heart Disease | THRR 038
Ferritin Supplementation; Elemental Diets; Battling All types of fatigue during COVID for essential workers; Valvular heart disease; TBI, keto, protein intake and sleep
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News topic du jour:
'Overwhelmingly positive': Chile’s food regulations are changing the country’s eating habits
1. Ferritin Supplementation [17:28]
Christin says:
Hi Rob and Nicki,
I loved the recent episode with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. She was so smart, articulate, and easy to understand. One particular thing that caught my ear was when you talked about ferritin and hair growth. I've noticed lately that I've been shedding quite a bit and would like to supplement a bit (if this isn't a good idea please tell me!).
Can you suggest a good ferritin supplement? I see a lot out there but I want to ensure that I am getting a quality product.
Anything is helpful!
You guys put out great info and I absolutely LOVE the Salty Talks, they're hilarious and it's like you're in my head; awesome.
Keep doing what you do!
2. Elemental Diets [21:31]
Kim Delattre:
Hi Robb and Nikki,
I have been suffering with digestive distress for a couple decades now. I’m sure I destroyed my gut with birth-control pills, migraine medicine, a low-fat, whole-grain diet, etc. I’ve been eating a paleo diet for at least 2.5 years, and although I feel better in many ways, I still dread any meal because I react so badly. I have been working with an ND for ~2 years. We have tried lots of herbal antibiotics for SIBO. I have done many elimination diets. I started seeing a Functional Medicine Practitioner recently. She prescribed pharmaceutical antibiotics for SIBO. I have spent hundreds on stool, breath, and blood tests. Not to mention all the expensive visits. (Well I just mentioned them.) An elemental diet was suggested as a next step, but I hear the shakes are expensive. Could you please talk about them a little bit to help me decide. I’m at my wits’ end!
Reaction symptoms if it’s helpful:
Distention, bloating, gas, & abdominal pain
I only feel well and look normal in the morning after a bowel movement. Once I eat, it’s misery for the rest of the day.
Sorry to be such a downer, but it’s depressing. Thank you. I LOVE the podcast!
3. Battling All types of fatigue during COVID for essential workers [29:23]
Hey Robb and Nicki, I've been listening to your podcasts for a couple of years now after I discovered having issues with wheat and dairy. I was Paleo for about 5 years and this last year I moved over to keto. I am a merchant Mariner so I'm on ships for 2-4 months at currently with no end in sight due to the pandemic. Our sleep comes in about 7 HR shifts if we are not coming in and out of port. I'm currently located in the middle east/India region which means 100degree days with 100% humidity. I do not have access to making my own food and the options here are decent some days but lately not so much since our source of food is not great. I have been adding Himalayan salt to my water as much as possible and have been attempting to get lmnt electrolytes out to my ship. I am lucky and have only been gone from home since April but many people out here have been gone since December with the possibility that we will be here until September. Any suggestions on battling physical and mental fatigue for myself and crew members?
Thanks again, I love your podcast and what your doing with the healthy rebellion.
4. Valvular heart disease [35:38]
Would fasting or low carb/keto help with this? I also have Afib.
I have been mostly low/carb keto with intermittent fasting for years. I wonder about extended fasting for healing the heart. I am 73 yr old female.
I'm in good health otherwise.
I really enjoy listening to you both and respect your opinions.
5. TBI, keto, protein intake and sleep [42:14]
Hello Robb and Nicki,
First up, your information has kept me alive through all of my health issues if not for the fact that it has given me hope, which is the spur that keeps me going when I start to doubt. Thank you.
So, back in 2006 when I was 19 I got assaulted. As a result I hit the back of my head on a concrete pavement which fractured my skull and shunted my brain forward which also caused some brain damage in my pre-frontal cortex. I was in hospital for 10 days with a bleed on the brain and I cannot remember the first 4 days or the attack itself. The effect this has had on my life has been immeasurable. I have been playing around with my diet for a long time now and I think I am going to have to go full boar keto for reasons that I feel better when in ketosis. However, for me, based on my individual circumstances, it does have some drawbacks. Whilst my sleep has tanked ever since I suffered this brain injury, paradoxically I have managed to get up to around a leanish 255lbs (if I was to lose 10-15lbs I would be ripped). I would be over 260lbs if not for the lockdown in the UK as I put on muscle mass very easily which surprises me when I consider how bad my sleep is.
I have made peace with myself that I am never going to do any martial arts that involves striking to the head because of my brain injury and that doesn’t bother me too much, so grappling would be a better way to go. My training at the moment essentially revolves around bodybuilding/power lifting type stuff but at the age of 34 I want to jump into BJJ and wrestling. I watched a talk you gave on YouTube about a young lad who you worked with at an MMA gym who you advised to forgo high intensity cardio work. With the anaerobic demands these grappling sports will place on my body mean that I am also going to have to forgo BJJ in light of my brain injury?
Some of the concerns I have are surrounding protein intake. I love eating meat and I do say to people I am a vegan’s worst nightmare. So how much protein can I eat to help maximise muscle gain whilst also keeping me in ketosis so I am producing the maximum amount of ketones for my brain health? Can I in effect just eat as much protein as I want?
In terms of sleep, I notice that going keto messes up my sleep further in weird ways. I can wake up at stupid times and then not get back to sleep and when I am lying in bed after not eating much carbs in the day I can hear something in my body beating away which I am assuming is my pulse? I am predicting your answer will be to eat more salt so I will uptick the amount of electrolytes I use but is there anything else that I can do on keto that will help me get a restful night’s sleep that goes further than just adding salt? I do all the usual stuff of using blue blocking glasses etc. so what could I do diet wise in terms of sleep and keto. Oh, and would sucralose be a problem on a keto diet?
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