Rhabdo, Low Dose Naltrexone, Amino Acid Supplementation | THRR037
Fitness after Rhabdo, Question about backpacking trip, Low Dose Naltrexone, Complete Amino Acid supplementation, The Appendix
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1. Fitness after Rhabdo [13:12]
Juan says:
Hello Robb,
I’ve recently made a horrible decision; participate in this years Murph, knowing that I was dehydrated. The Saturday prior to Memorial Monday I was out floating down a river enjoying a couple beers. I failed to pack sufficient water during the float, and slacked on hydrating afterwards. I did the Murph anyways. Completed went home and tried to play catch-up. Come Wednesday morning I’m in the ER getting admitted to Inpatient to be treated for rhabdo. Labs are normal. Kidney and liver test are normal. Now what? After years of wrestling, several half marathons, running 30 miles a week; where do I start again? I’m cautious but optimistic I’ll be back, I just want to do so smartly. Do you have a protocol or have any tips or experience with this process?
2. Question about backpacking trip [22:28]
Hello, I am doing really well on your program - I am on Day 5. Drinking electrolytes. Next weekend I am going on a backpacking trip in Rocky Mountain NP with my family. Normally, I would consider this an easy trip: 4 mile hike in, 1500ft elevation gain, sleep one night at 9,000ft, hike back the next day. Now I have a bit of anxiety on how I will feel while still adjusting to Keto, on days 12 and 13.
My question is: do I add calories because of strenuous effort ahead, or for continuity sake, do I keep them at the same level as my home days?
And if you have any suggestions on what to bring for foods, it would be great. All I came up with is a lot of eggs and some greens. And very few nuts. It was really easy with cereal bars for breakfast, bu now I am not having those now.
I know you mentioned deviating from the diet to be social, and not to create stress. But this is different - I am the one packing everyone’s food (and I am very precise about it, so that we don’t carry extra weight.)
I am also worried about being in higher elevation on this. I am almost hoping your advice will be - just take a two day break, but I would like to be consistent with the program.
Thank you so much!
3. Low Dose Naltrexone [27:45]
Trey says:
Robb & Nicki,
what are your thoughts on long term (possibly life long) use of Low Dose Naltrexone? I am a 36-year-old male with intense and painful Ankylosing Spondylitis symptoms. The symptoms are mainly heavy inflammation flares localized in my mid-spine, triggered by stress and just about all food. The really painful inflammation comes at night and it interrupts my sleep. Day flares are much more manageable. I came off of immuno-suppressant drugs about 3 years ago and dedicated myself to reversing the disease. I have since experimented with keto, intermittent fasting, and AIP-inspired food avoidance. I have never experimented with Carnivore because frankly, I would prefer to go back on the immuno-suppressant drugs before I take that hit in quality of life. I also tried just about everything else you can think of: daily hot yoga (Bikram and Baptiste), daily sauna and ice bath, psychedelics, Wim Hof breathing, meditation, weight training, spinning, acupuncture, massage, herbs via multiple FM docs. I even traveled to India and got a few IVs of mesenchymal stem cells. I def got some improvement over the course of the last few years, but still was having a daily struggle and fear with the disease. I started taking LDN about 10 days ago, and bam! game changer. I can eat a paleo low carb diet, probably getting anywhere between 50-150g carbs a day, without fear, I don't have flares that interrupt my sleep, and I have the energy and recovery to alternate daily between intense weight training, spinning, and hot yoga. The only side effects I have noticed was rough sleep the first couple nights taking it, and the night that I titrated up the dose. So, as I endeavor on a possible life long relationship with LDN, I would like to understand the risks and mechanisms by which this stuff works. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Trey
4. Complete Amino Acid supplementation [34:14]
Sheila says:
Amazing podcast with Dr. Lyons! She’s beautiful and brilliant!
Question- do you recommend supplementing with complete amino acids to get adequate and highly absorbable protein? I was thinking of a product such as Ben Greenfield’s amino acids, he’s a big advocate for it due to the absorption factor.
Not part of the question but I was thinking that nutrition experts like you would be perfect advisors to guide nutritional guidelines for our country????????Now is the time to step up Our country is in need of recommendations that will actually make them healthy! Folks don’t need BS recommendations the “WHO” puts out such as increasing canola oil and reducing saturated fat????????♀️ Thank you for all the service you provide, much appreciated
5. The Appendix [44:46]
Heather says:
Hey Robb & Nicki!
Been following you for years. Masterclass graduate here! Met you at Paleo f(x) last year and am proud of myself for not crying! Anyways....grateful for you both.
I think a lot about my appendix, and more specifically - the fact that I no longer have one. If we now know that the appendix houses gut bacteria...what might that mean for someone like me who no longer has mine? Do I have to work extra hard at eating fermented foods & taking probiotics? I wonder if when I get sick or take an antibiotic if it might be especially difficult for my gut flora to re-balance? Last year I gave myself food poisoning which lead to months of ill side effects starting with super loose stools for forever and ending with H. Pylori which I cleared up by putting myself on a strict regimen of bone broth, digestive enzymes, apple cider vinegar, fermented foods, NOT consuming liquids anywhere near meals & eating very clean. That whole set-back got me thinking more about my missing appendix. I’ve tried to research this topic...but haven’t had much luck. Is nobody else curious about this?! They yank out appendixes on the reg and nobody seems to wonder if it could be a bit problematic it seems?
Thanks for all you both do!
- Heather
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