Lifelong Vegetarian, Covid and Cholesterol, Alcoholic Kombucha | THRR036

Fat Absorption, Covid-19 Cholesterol, Starch for Mucous Membranes, Life Long Vegetarian, Alcoholic Kombucha

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News topic du jour:
Effect of Caffeine on Endurance Performance in Athletes May Depend on HTR2A and CYP1A2 Genotypes

1. Fat Absorption [10:56]
Matt says:

Long time listener, love the content. Keep it up!

My question is about fat absorption. I’ve  been dealing with some health issues the past few years and have tried several things from dirty keto to AIP keto to AIP paleo. For the past ten weeks or so I have been in the world of nose to tail carnivore and am having some success. I haven’t checked my ketones but I expect I’m in a decent level of ketosis most the time as I’m not doing any carnivore carbs like milk or honey. My meals (usually 3 per day) are around 8-10oz meat/organs plus added fat. The meat is usually a leaner cut for cost efficiency; sirloin tip roast is a go to.

All this said, I’m having trouble with fat absorption. I have realized that my body has a tough time with rendered fat as it triggers an almost immediate trip to the can. I’ve adjusted by grilling all my meat and organs rather than using the skillet and supplementing raw suet, 2-3 ounces per meal. This has improved the situation but I’m still pretty loose and end up with pieces of what appears to be fully formed undigested suet. It almost reminds me of my days eating mounds of kale.

 It seems my body is having a tough time emulsifying/absorbing the fat but I’m not sure what else to do to improve the situation.  I would like to avoid cutting the fat back since otherwise I would have a tough time hitting my calorie goals. I’m also right at or slightly above 1 grams / pound of total body weight of protein so I don’t want to increase that any more. Any advice is appreciated.

Thanks for your help!


2. Covid-19 Cholesterol [18:18]
Holly says:
Hi Robb - love your work. I saw a recent paper come out of China that indicated that a majority of those hospitalized with Covid-19 had low serum blood cholesterol. Can you comment on what you think the significance of this is and why higher cholesterol might be protective?   Thanks for any and all info.


3. Starch for Mucous Membranes? [21:54]
Kat says:
It would be awesome if Robb could address the issue of Paul Jaminet of

the Perfect Health Diet saying that some people need to have some

starch to not have their mucous membranes dry out. More details on

that theory here:

4. Life Long Vegetarian [30:03]
Colleen says:
Hi Robb,

I’ve just completed the audio version of Wired to Eat.  I was a captive audience and grateful for the of terrific information.  My mom has Alzheimer’s  and although I’ve been extremely healthy, preventing this and other neuro-degenerative diseases is important to me.

I just googled Robb Wolf and vegetarian hoping for some guidance.  Instead I found a million reasons why I shouldn’t be vegetarian.  I’m fourth generation vegetarian and eating meat is not an option.  It isn’t about morals or the planet (not that those things are unimportant - your rationales would let me off the hook), but a burger to me would be like a bowl of fisheye balls might be to you (maybe you like those too).  I’m not willing to eat meat.   I would love your advice on how I can aim for your results without the meat, chicken and fish.

I will eat eggs (if I load them with veggies and salsa), whey and plant based protein powders and tempeh.  I’m anxious to start your seven day test to see how I respond to beans and lentils.

I’m not making judgements for the world, just looking for a way to be my healthiest and still be vegetarian.

Many thanks for your time.



5. Alcoholic Kombucha [36:36]

Jared says:

Hi Robb and Nicki,

Have been following you since your days with Crossfit and have always been impressed with your level of experience and your well-reasoned way of condensing your experience into effective generalizations. Back in the olden days you had good advice about alcoholic bevarages with the norcal margarita so you seem a good person to ask this question to.

Over the last year or so I've been very-much enjoying alcoholic kombucha (e.g. Boochcraft, It's better tasting than regular kombucha, doesn't have the glutens, and doesn't seem to have the sugar of ciders and things like that. It has replaced gluten-free beer for my weekend imbibing. So, is this a health drink I should turn into a daily habit or should I be more worried about daily alcohol intake?





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