Inflammation Relief, Red Light Therapy, Loose Stools and Edema | THRR032

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Show Notes:

Our book Sacred Cow is now officially available for pre-order
The publisher is nervous about the Covid climate, with bookstores being closed, etc. They are being excessively cautious with the print run during this time, so please go ahead and pre-order now.

News topic du jour:
Hippocampal-dependent appetitive control is impaired by experimental exposure to a Western-style diet

Levi says:

Robb, Nicki—good afternoon!

Currently, I follow an intermittent-fasting, carnivore diet 85% of 71% of the time—that is, five times a week, my diet is comprised of loads of water and coffee, along with steak, bacon, chicken, eggs, whey protein shakes with a greens formula, Quest bars, and nuts; the other two days, I will eat whatever my heart pleases, which includes tacos, nachos, burgers, fries, beer, and occasionally, a few DQ Blizzards (the s'mores blizzard is back, so I have to indulge). Usually, my fasts are broken from 5:00PM-9:00PM. Honestly, this "diet" is one I have adhered to the most because of its flexibility and routine, allowing me to stay relatively lean and strong, without any major complications. However, recently, I have begun to have strange bowel movements—file this under TMI—where I have have Jeff Daniels-in-Dumb & Dumber-style poops. They are loose, watery, and dark brown to black. However, during the days I "go off the rails" with diet, my poops are "normal," in that they are solid and brown. I would love to seek assistance from an MD, but without health insurance, I am hoping to get some feedback from you. At my age, 31, with two daughters, my health and vitality is becoming increasingly more important, and I will change any variables to my diet that is suggested—I just do not know where to begin. Add vegetables? Add fruit? Ditch bacon? You tell me!

Also, if you have the time and would like to answer a secondary question, I am curious why I get weird edema around my ankles after these meals that are high in carbohydrates.

Here may be a helpful understanding of me and my health:

I have a history of melanoma that penetrated a pocket of lymph nodes in my neck (later removed), along with a family history of PVD, CVD, and heart attacks.

I am 6'0, 215 pounds. I resistance train 5-7 times per week, and do cardiorespiratory conditioning several times per week as well.

Anyway, if you answer or don't, I love the content you put out and applaud your constant effort to get sick people healthy.


2. Red Light Therapy [18:29]
Simone says:

Hi Robb & Nikki! I've been an avid listener since your Paleo Solution Podcast and I'm enjoying the change up on The Healthy Rebellion. My question regards Red Light Therapy. Can I simply replace the lamps in my bedroom with red light bulbs to wind down improve sleep as I read before I shut the lights or do I have to get a red light therapy device to reap the benefits? I learned a few years ago how vital good quality sleep is and I'm always trying to improve things here & there when I can. *Note, I do wear blue blocking glasses every night (the intense orange ones i'm embarrassed for anyone to see excepts for my fiance, cats, and dog.) Thanks!

3. Autoimmune reactions and the severe form of COVID19 [20:28]
Mats says:

Hello Robb, Nicki & co

This is a question for the Healthy Rebellion podcast, hope it reaches you through this route.

The core lethal symptoms of the severe form of COVID19 seem to stem from drastic inflammation and overboard immune reactions in the lungs, correct?

Who gets these severe symptoms and why is a mystery so far, altho many known underlying medical conditions seem to correlate.

”Mysterious” inflammation and disproportionate/mis-directed immune reactions. Doesn’t that sound eerily familiar? Anecdotes also seem to report a lessening of symptoms earlier in the day - after a night-time of fasting - and aggrevated symptoms towards the evening - after a day-time of eating, and we all know what people typically eat.

Do you see where I’m going with this? Do you think lectin-driven autoimmune reactions could be contributing to the severe symptoms some COVID19 patients are struggling with?

Thank you for the great work you do,



Helsinki, Finland


4. Nutrition for Special Warfare Training [28:37]
Rich says:


I'll try to keep this as brief as possible with as much detail, wish me luck.

I've been listening to you for 7/8 years now and I remember the Paleo Solution Podcast where you talked about working with Naval Special Warfare a few times so this is where my question stems from.  I'm in the process of joining Air Force Special Warefare and in order to get in, there is a Physical Abilities Stamina Test (PAST).  I'm 29, 5'10", 184 with roughly 16-18% body fat currently.  This is by design, I generally function better at 175 but I'd like to go into training with some extra body fat. My issue is that my strength has always been gaining strength but I'm a hard gainer when it comes to stamina so I've been running quite a bit.  I'm doing a higher fat day on endurance days and supplementing carbs in on harder training days.

To make a long question short, would you do anything different that you think could assist my progress?

Regardless of if I hear from you or not, I appreciate the work you and Nicki do and I'll continue to listen.

5. Quick Inflammation relief [33:15]
Kyle says:

Hey Robb,

Thanks for all your help.  You have been helping me with diet and lifestyle for over 10 years now.  My question is what is your recommendation for the quickest way to recover when one goes off the rails.

Some background.  I'm a 41 year old male and follow a low carb paleo. I also take 2000mg of fish oil a day.  While I try stay fairly strict I sometimes have too much to drink and eat a gluten laden pizza or worse.  This leaves my joints sore and inflexible for a few days which probably means a high level of inflamation.  After 3-4 days the joint pain goes away but I was wondering if there was a protocol you would recommend that would get me back on track faster.  My goal isn't to cheat more but get back to the gym quicker when I happen to.

Thanks for all you do.




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