Nut Allergies, Pregnancy Resources, Carbon Footprint of Food | THRR029

1. Pregnant Wife
2. Altitude and electrolytes/ low carbohydrate
3. Carbo-NO? Carb-be-gone
4. Tree Nut Allergy
5. Article about carbon footprints of food

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This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Athletic Greens. Whether you’re taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle or you’re an athlete pushing for better performance, Athletic Greens gives you the nutrients you need for your body to thrive. Jump over to and claim my special offer today - receive 20 FREE Travel Packs with your first purchase (value $79). These travel packs make it easier to cover your nutritional bases while you’re on the road. Go check it out at and claim your special offer.


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Show Notes:

Our book Sacred Cow is now officially available for pre-order
The publisher is nervous about the Covid climate, with bookstores being closed, etc. They are being excessively cautious with the print run during this time, so please go ahead and pre-order now.

News topic du jour:
The Autoimmune Protocol Diet Modifies Intestinal RNA Expression in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

1. Pregnant Wife [11:14]
Kyle says:
Mr and Mrs Wolf,

My wife is 10 weeks pregnant and I need guidance. I am 37 and she is 36 and this seems to be a wedding night baby (WOOT WOOT). I ran out and got her Prenatal vitamins (Megafoods Baby & Me 2 and Nordic Naturals DHA).  Diet wise we have picked up Real Food for Pregnancy but everything else we are in a whirlwind of information. We are on the older side of parents and we just want to make sure our child is healthy. Do you guys have any books we should  buy that could provide more guidance? I get waves of panic but that seems to be calmed by coffee

Thank you for everything you and guys do.



Healthy Baby code by kresser

Ideally you have some experienced mommas around you...breastfeeding...


2. Altitude and electrolytes/ low carbohydrate [18:10]
Sage says:

Do you have any experience with or know of any resources regarding electrolyte needs as well as the performance implications of a low carbohydrate diet when climbing at altitude (14000-21000 ft above sea level)?

Thank you!

Nutritional Needs In Cold And In High-Altitude Environments: Applications for Military Personnel in Field Operations.


3. Carbo-NO? Carb-be-gone [21:14]
Brittany says:
From August to about the beginning of December I was relatively lower carb, max of 150-ish g/day. Since then, I realized that I may be doing a disservice to myself and my performance so I hired a coach (around Christmas) and she has progressed me to 240 g carbs.

I don't eat a ton of food out of a package unless I'm not too hungry and need dense sources, and then I'll go for some granola. I generally only eat foods with ingredients I can technically buy off the shelf and potentially make myself. (Carbs: oats, wild mixed rice, quinoa, sweet & red potatoes, and ALL the veggies, maple syrup/honey, occasionally strawberries and blueberries, Dave's killer bread during longer bike rides- 1x/wk)

Just a few weeks of eating higher carb, I feel bloated and puffy (and just BLAH) and it's not a good feeling. I try to stay off of the scale and just look at trends, but it appears my body weight is trending upwards (+5# in just a few weeks).  I haven't noticed any major changes in performance, in fact, I've had more "rough" training days than I was experiencing before.

I'm a CrossFitter of quite a few years who needed a change in training styles so I've adapted more of an endurance way of life. I was higher carb with CF and once I switched from June until December, I was leaning out and starting feeling good and looking good (which has never been the case). I lost 2% BF in less than 3 months, have since lost close to 25#. I felt great. I also notice if I spread out my carbs, and eat some for breakfast-- I tend to morph into a sloth by 1...2pm.

Current macros: 240g C, 71g F, 133g P (2130 cal)

Training about 12-15 hrs per week.

Is this an intolerance to the carbs (blood sugar, cortisol, etc) or maybe a gut issue? Hormones? Thoughts?

30 year old female, was at 139# BW at 19%BF (in August)

averaging 133 bw currently

Thanks for everything You and Nicki do. Your book Paleo Solutions saved me from an eating disorder and I still apply the principles I've learned... 9 years later. My mom is also benefiting from your website and podcast and helped my dad get his Type 2 diabetes a little more under control.

Looking forward to a New Braunfels meet up! :)


4. Tree Nut Allergy [29:38]
Sarah Jane says:
Hi Robb,

I was wondering what your thoughts are on tree nut allergies and the gut/Microbiome?  I keep reading here and there that there’s a possibility to if not completely reverse tree nut allergies, then to at least minimize the life-threatening response by fixing the gut.

My 11-year-old son just had an anaphylactic reaction to macadamia nuts totally out of the blue a few weeks ago. He has always struggled with seasonal allergies, Lots of ear infections. Para influenza age 3 and of course antibiotics, c-section, tonsils removed and croup . I took things into my own hands about four years ago and whenever things got bad, instead of taking him to a regular doctor, I just kept him home and let him work his way out of it naturally. He’s missed a lot of school.  Diffuser with essential oil’s, x-clear everyday, prebiotic fiber etc. - sleep sitting up when congested -  the best I knew how.  He has gotten stronger every year (less sickness each year).  So there has been improvement.  Now this anaphylacric macademia nut reaction has thrown my husband and I for a loop, but at the same time it’s quite obvious that there is an issue with his gut.  I know you and your daughter have had some issues yourself. I wondered if you could give us any direction or insight as we start down this path of helping him become stronger and healthier. He is a very high functioning 11-year-old. Plays travel hockey,  smart – we like him! ️ LOL!  Just want to see him thrive and of course it’s a horrible feeling living in fear. - carrying an EpiPen around for my son is not fun.  I am close friends with several other moms whose children have severe nut  allergies and they just seem to think it’s the way their kid was born. Continue to stuff them with processed foods and gluten-free goodies. It’s whacked!   I just can’t except this. I know something just needs to be improved upon.  Or am I delusional?

We are going to put him on a strict Paleo for athletes type diet and do some elimination testing as well. Obviously zero processed foods.  Any suggestions here?  Things to add?  I read butyrate is important???

Also, I would like to have some help with some sort of lab test for him. Do you recommend a certain lab? My parents use Viome and are happy with it, but my husband said that not all labs are good and that there has been some mixed results. Can you recommend a certain lab for our son? And quite frankly for me too!

Thank you for all you have done for us.  You and Mark Sisson are who Introduced us to Paleo about 8 years ago.  ???? Obviously, I haven’t been perfect in that my son needs some serious extra help. But I am determined to get him whole.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration and reading my message.

Best regards,

Sarah Jane Bourque

Phoenix Arizona


5. Article about carbon footprints of food [35:05]
Joe says:
Hi Robb, I’m a huge fan and I recently ran across this article that some pro-plant based folks shared. There are a number of things here that don’t seem right. Is this something you’ve addressed previously or could help address?




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