Nicotine, Ass Wiping, Anesthesia, Gluten Enzymes | THRR027
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Show Notes:
News topic du jour: β-hydroxybutyrate and its metabolic effects on age-associated pathology
1. Egg intolerance/sensitivity [8:04]
Jason says:
Hi Robb,
I recently took a food sensitivity test & the results showed a pretty strong intolerance to one of my favorite foods, eggs (sad trombone). I would love to reverse this if possible, what approach would you recommend?
Thank you for your time & assistance.
2. Nicotine and Wiping [13:54]
Gregory says:
Hi Robb and Nicki!
Thank you for having taken the time to create the AMA-platform for THRR. I was blown away with your folks' openness to receiving and responding to my exceptionally long query. I did what you had suggested; cook my veggies until they're almost baby-food, incorporate a slight caloric deficit, and keep my exercise intensity low. I still have some hiccups here and there when taking care of business in the bathroom, but I'd say that 90-95% of the time, wiping my ass is not necessary. Any time that I do enjoy a raw salad though, there's immediate change. THANK YOU. Now as for the fatty liver, CT-scans and blood tests came up inconclusive except that my liver is just slightly larger than normal, and my cholesterol is elevated (total and LDL-calc).
Now, if you have time... could you help me out with looking at nicotine? I've read some of your work, as well as others purporting that it may be a "multivitamin" for the brain... having no real effect upon circadian rhythm and possibly having a neuro-protective effect against Alzheimer's, as well as aiding in treating Parkinson's disease... I recently had a conversation with someone that raised the concern of nicotine and endothelia function. I've done some perusing through literature and it appears to be a positive for angiogenesis, but a negative in that it may lead to atherosclerosis and cancer... This was looking at nicotine on its own, and via gum use-age... Do you have any thoughts or insight?
NEXT AND FINAL question... When in the evolutionary time-line of humans do you think we began wiping our asses? Our cute-cuddly fur-babies don't wipe after they pop-a-squat...I've never seen an ape do it. Like I said above, my digestion has altered in a way that I don't need to... Did cleaning the dark-portal come about after we began relying heavily upon agriculture? Is there evidence of tri-ply, air-puffed papyrus in the archeological records?
I'd love to hear your folks' thoughts! Thank you again for the work, and questioning-attitude that you promote!
Take care,
3. General Anesthesia [22:21]
Troy says:
Hello there. Not sure if this will make it to the new podcast but I really need some help from somebody in the Health Care side of things as opposed to the Sick Care side.
I am an aspiring health coach so I've been fairly dialed on my nutrition for a few years now. I recently noticed a rather large bulge on my side about the size on a tennis ball which just seemed to appear out of nowhere and I tend to check myself out in the mirror when I'm in front of it without clothes on. I went in to get it checked out after it didn't subside in a few days and after an ultra sound, it was determined that I have a lipoma. This definitely isn't my first although I haven't had one in over a decade and assumed it was do to bad diet once I learned the healthy way to live but the problem is that the surgeon is saying that General Anesthesia (GE) will be necessary in this case since it involves a lot of muscle tissue surrounding it and Local doesn't seem to do the trick well enough.
My question is there anything I can do to mitigate the effects of GE on the brain? I've had multiple TBIs, been under at least a few times before for different reasons and have suffered terrible health issues ranging from severe depression to memory issues reminiscent of somebody with Alzheimer's. I cycle in and out of Keto and have tried different treatments that I have been able to afford like neurofeedback and have come a long way and I'm terrified of sliding backwards again or losing even more of my memory. I'm lost on this and don't really know where else to turn but love the stuff you guys put out and wish I could retain the info like you seem to be able to do and really value your knowledge and appreciate all that you do. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet
Nutritional ketosis delays the onset of isoflurane induced anesthesia
4. Enzymes to support gluten digestion [28:46]
Chelsea says:
Hi! I’m curious on your thoughts about all the enzymes out right now that target gluten digestion. I’m gluten free, but when I eat out I usually take a “glutenease” as an insurance policy in the event of cross contamination. Am I just waisting my money on these? In the past lipase enzymes really helped me when I was having gall bladder issues. Thanks!!
5. Progesterone, Cortisol, & Melatonin [32:19]
Alicia says:
Hi Robb & Nicki!
I've been an avid follower of y'all since I was diagnosed with Celiac's disease back in 2012, The Paleo Solution was my BIBLE for a long time!
About a year ago, my Chiropractor (my now boss) advised me to get my hormone's tested due to a high stress job, lack of sleep, and over training in my workouts (I was in his office at least once a week due to back and neck problems that wouldn't go away). After completing the hormone panel, they basically found out that I was running away from a bear, but I'd be dead before the bear caught me. My Progesterone was essentially non-existent, as were both my estrogen and testosterone, my cortisol was definitely higher than it should be for a 28 yr old female, and my melatonin was registering off the charts (at the time I was taking anywhere between 10-15mg a night to sleep), and my body had actually stopped creating melatonin.
My question is: after cutting out Melatonin, and trying two different kinds of Progesterone supplements, realistically, can I repair the damage I've done to my hormones, and what kind of timeline am I looking at? I was a high level athlete for 10 plus years, training around 4-6 hours a day and began working an extremely stressful job with a long commute from age 26-28. I quit that job a year ago and began working at my Chiropractors office in a much less stressful position. Besides some CBD, what other things can I implement to help repair these hormones? I haven't done another hormone panel since, however, I am planning on doing another one in the next couple months.
Thank you so much for all the work you do, keep up the killer podcast!