Keto Amenorrhea, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Diabetes | THRR024

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This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Four Sigmatic. Four Sigmatic is a wellness company that wants to share the benefits of the most nutrient dense ingredients with the world. Their innovative recipes combine these truly super foods with daily staples like coffee, cacao, and skincare to help you fit elevated wellness in throughout the day and meet the overwhelming demands of modern life.

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Show Notes:

News topic du jour: Methylglyoxal Content in Drinking Coffee as a Cytotoxic Factor

1. Keto and polycystic kidney disease [10:15]

Hi, my name is megan, I'm a 30 year old female with an inherited disease called polycystic kidney disease. I have many large cysts covering my kidneys and liver and with an MRI scan I have an 80 percent chance of reaching kidney failure before I turn 40. There is no cure for it, my grandfather passed away from it at 47 and my mom is on dialysis waiting for a transplant. There were some studies showing previously that calorie restriction and low body weight can slow cyst growth (I'm 5'4 and 126 pounds) and Recently, the Weimbs lab has done studies in rats and cats that have shown that the Keto diet with IF is reversing the disease completely.  The pkd foundation is wanting to start human studies but it wont be for a while. My nephrologist called keto the starvation diet when I approached him about it and told me it was too restrictin, would take too long to see  he would rather me eat less meat and more grains. I have experimented with keto and overall feel better with less flank pain.

So my question is, I know that animals and humans react differently to these studies, but wondering if I should do the keto diet long term anyways, instead of wait for human trials to come out, or if it may do more harm than good with my low body weight and kidney issues. Thank you for your time.

2. Amenorrhea after two years on Keto [16:04]
Kate says::

Hi, Robb and Nicki, I’m a big fan of the podcast and have had a dilemma weighing on me and wondered what y’alls input would be. See I have been on a the standard macro keto diet 70%fat 25%protein and 5%carbs for the past two years. I went keto after to my alarm going to the doctors finding my fasting blood sugar at 124mg/dL. I have experienced all the benefits of keto from normalized glucose levels throughout the day to mental clarity. My  fasting glucose is now 80mg/dL and goes into the 70s three hours post meals. My only problem is that period has completely stopped since going keto. I don’t restrict calories, only lift 4 times a week for around 45minutes and I don’t do any high intensity exercise or running. I also meditate daily and even use a red light to combat daily inflammation and stressors in life. To add to this I also am at a healthy weight for my height and have never had any weight problems all my life, I just had “metabolic syndrome” at a healthy weight. To take a deep dive I ran a ultrasound and found that I have a small cyst on my liver as well as a small amount of biliary sludge on my liver. I then proceeded to get a HIDA scan, a MRI of my abdomen, and pelvic area. Every came back normal so I then proceeded to run a hormone panel which then led me to get diagnosed with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. I then decide that my HPA-axis most likely needs stimulation so I had a sweet potato consisting of 25grams of carbs with ground beef for lunch one day. The problem is after the meal I began having to urinate around every 15 to twenty minutes for the next two hours. I then proceeded to feel very jittery and anxious quickly following the meal. This led me to have a crash later in the day and I had to have a snack as I became profusely famished. I have never had to snack before I I eat a three large meals a day filled with whole keto foods and plenty of protein. I believe I still have insulin resistance but I want to be able to transition to a low carb style diet in order to stimulate my LH, HPA-axis, thyroid, and increase my estrogen levels in order to menstruate to protect my body from osteoporosis and other side effects of amenorrhea. My question is what route should I take in order to become fertile and is it possible to never reverse insulin resistance but just to put it in remission?

3. Hey Ya'll it's time to "take down the Girl scout cookie army" [22:58]
Joshua says:

Dear Healthy Rebellion,

Ok guys- I've been crazy Keto, Carnivore, low carb high fat for 9 years now.  I follow Paul Saladino, HPO with Shawn Baker, Brett Scher, Gary Fettke, Diana Rodgers, Mark Sisson, Taubes, Teicholz,  etc... You get it.  I'm on the scene.  My wife has RA and together we have gotten her health and wellness in check due to the above crowd and amazing people like you!  I am grateful to the low carb and similar communities.  I have personally gone from a 6'1", 190lb competitive cyclist to a lean mean 169lb very competitive cyclist in Colorado.  I also use LMNT and love it!!!  I spent a decade(well my whole life)  not understanding salt, electrolyte etc... what a great product man!  I love it.  I use S-caps and similar stuff and LMNT is by far the best!

Anyhow- the "tone" of your podcast is such that I think YOU are crew to call out and take down the girl scout community or at least call them out.  A quick search yields that girl scout sell 200 million boxes of cookies each year!  WTFucking FUCK!  Will you do an episode and take this on?


Josh T

American millennials' mental and physical health is on the decline — and they're on track to die faster than Gen X, a new report says

4. Diabetes- all of the iterations and different ways to treat them [35:50]
Jason says:

Well first off, like everyone, thank you for all you do and provide! I've been following you for several years and really appreciate your approach to health and trying to be the healthiest version  of ourselves and also being open-minded and not super dogmatic. Which leads me to my question...As a health care provider I am always trying to learn new approaches and stay open to ideas on health outside of my normal. As a result I recently listened to a podcast on a plant-based podcast by Cyrus Khambatta and Robby Barbaro about diabetes and the mitigation and reversal using high carb-low fat/protein. Some of the things made sense to me but is also contrary to what I learned and what I hear most people talk about. I am wondering if you have heard or read anything by them and have thoughts on their biochemistry reasoning and/or how they are reportedly "fixing" diabetes by prescribing a high carb approach?

Thank you again and keep up the good work

5. How are you defining "metabolic health condition?" [41:32]
yankeerootssoutherner says:

Robb, i saw your instagram story where you mentioned that people with an existing metabolic health condition have worse outcomes when it comes to covid-19. How are you defining metabolic health condition?

Hyperinsulinemia: A unifying theory of chronic disease?

Hyperinsulinemic diseases of civilization: more than just Syndrome X.

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