Low Carb Danger, Acne, Meal Timing | THRR023

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This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Vital Farms. Eating clean? Vital Farms Pasture-Raised Ghee is lactose-, casein- and gluten-free. Equipping you with the taste of butter and the functionality of a high heat cooking oil—perfect for sautéing your veggies. Visit vitalfarms.com/ghee for a chance to win a year supply of Vital Farms ghee for FREE.


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Show Notes:

News topic du jour:

1. Dealing with fear at this time. [10:46]
Hi Robb. I just wanted to ask you if you are scared right now of this virus for yourself, or Nikki, or the girls? I have never been so terrified and I am physically making myself ill from it. Seems like nobody (except for kids, maybe) is guaranteed to be in danger. I keep thinking me and my husband are going to get sick/hospitalized and there will nobody to take care of our two young daughters. Can you offer me some advice? I have looked to you for years and I don't know how to get my head right. Thanks

2. Peppers [23:52]
Sergio says:
Hey Rob, maybe im talking to a computer or nobody, but in case it reaches you.

Have people considered the power of red hot chili peppers? Or peppers in general?

The effects largely boosts many defenses as well as giving you notable temperature rise. Could that help to combat Covid?

Also Spirulina.

Don't wanna make this very long.

Cheers and thanks for your help

3. Low carb/carnivore danger of mucin deficiency [25:58]
Kat says:
Hi Robb and Nicki,

I love your new podcast. I've followed your work for a while and I really appreciate how you remain so open minded and non-dogmatic.

Can you please address the issue of some people developing dry eyes and mouths on low carb. I developed Sjogrens Syndrome (when I was still eating plenty of carbs) and it is doing a number on my eyes, mouth (and other mucous membranes), my digestive system and joints. Eating mostly meat is the only thing that controls the stomach pain from my longstanding IBS and more recent Sjogrens. Paul Jaminet cautions against low carb due to what happened to him on it (dry eyes and mouth) and so I am worried I will make my issues even worse if I continue carnivore diet style eating. It's hard to tell if it is causing any dryness since I am already so dry.


4. Timing of meals and BJJ training [31:35]
Kris says:
Hi Rob and Nicki,

I'm 46 years old health conscious dad, husband and lawyer. I started BJJ about 10 months ago with my 8 year old son. I've got two stripes and am loving the training, very mental. I come from an endurance background, Ironman triathlons, marathons (Boston 3 x) and I ran 24 hours around a track last year for charity to celebrate my 45th birthday. BJJ is a whole new challenge with the mental game. My question, I eat low carb consistently and have been meat focused for the past few months with some vegetables. I intermittent fast most days for 16-18 hours typically skipping breakfast. My BJJ training is usually in the evening from 6:15 until 7:45 pm. For overall health, would you recommend having my last meal at around 4 pm before BJJ training and fasting until the next morning. Or would you recommend having a big breakfast around 11 am, a small snack before BJJ training and an evening meal after training? I love your yearly recap and am an avid listener of your podcast. I hope to one day earn my purple belt in BJJ. I am actually similar to your build, short around 5'6" but muscular with big legs. I weigh around 160 lbs with 8-10% bodyfat. Loving your podcast and website material. All the best, Kris

5. Acne [35:22]
Erica says:
Hey Robb, I’m not sure if you’ve covered the subject of acne because I am a fairly new listener to your podcast, which I love by the way. I’ve learned so much already. But getting to the point, I am a 17 year old female that has had acne since age 10. I’ve done almost every type of treatment: oral and topical antibiotics, birth control, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, you name it. Nothing ever seems to help, and if it does, my acne eventually comes back. I don’t want to take antibiotics or birth control because that just screws up your gut microbiome. I am a fairly clean eater (I eat paleo but I have the occasional dessert or junk food), I exercise a lot (I play volleyball and weightlift three days a week), and I get a decent amount of sleep (7-8 hours per night). My acne has thankfully become pretty mild but either way, acne isn’t NORMAL. In your opinion, what are the biggest causes of acne? I’ve heard diet, stress, dehydration, mineral deficiencies, and I’m honestly just so confused. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.


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