Homeschooling, Socializing While Distancing, Sanity - THRR022
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This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Four Sigmatic. Four Sigmatic is a wellness company that wants to share the benefits of the most nutrient dense ingredients with the world. Their innovative recipes combine these truly super foods with daily staples like coffee, cacao, and skincare to help you fit elevated wellness in throughout the day and meet the overwhelming demands of modern life.
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Show Notes:
News topic du jour:
Dr. Aseem Malhotra on Sky News
Most people with the highest complications have metabolic disease - had nearly 3 chronic conditions: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, smoking, and cancer...
1. Homeschooling Resources [12:20]
Hannah, one of our THR members shared a ton of resources for parents newly tasked with teaching their kids at home... is another math website that you can use for skills- no need for signing in, but can work on fluency. Online drills:
Scholastic is offering some on-line learning from home at the website
Mo Willems, (Author of Elephant and Piggy, and a favorite author of mine) is doing lunch doodles with kids
You can tour the Lourve!!!
The San Diego Zoo has videos up and running
Another one of our THR members Sybil shared that one of her favorite homeschooling mentors Susan Wise Bauer, is making many of her "how to homeschool" lectures free right now...
And Finally, Adam, one of our listeners shared with me that Audible is making kids books free for as long as schools are closed. We started listening to the Secret Garden yesterday with the girls.
Even if you don't have kids that you're now schooling at home...I think you'll find the video hilarious!
2. Ways to Socialize While Distancing [16:26]
Jessica - virtual happy hour, facetime works...
my family.. can do via zoom or google hangouts
Calling old friends and family members
weekly LIVE chats in THR
3. Exercising At Home [20:04]
Lots of folks now have some extra hours in the day - not commuting...great to apply that extra time to working on fitness goals.
Treadmill at home video (WARNING! haha)
Kinstretch - several online programs. Our friends Sarah and Grayson from basis helath and performance in Chico CA are leading us through a mobility reset in THR. They also have an online program...if Ziva is the best thing we've done personally in last 10 years, Kinstrecth is the best thing we've done for our bodies/'s seriously that good. Go to and choose online kinstretch from the menu. or go directly to
BJJ at home resources:
Caio Terra has announced that his website is free for at least the next two weeks, and maybe longer:
Renzo Gracie is free for 30 days (I'm not sure if this is always free for 30 days or a new offer)
Pedro Sauer online is free for 30 days and maybe longer
Essential Jiu Jitsu - JT Torres - 2 weeks free with code JIUJITSUSTRONG
Lucas Lepri online - one free week - videos can be streamed from the website but not directly downloaded.
Keenan Cornelius - streaming one class per day on youtube
LiftBJJ has temporary free workout programmes for people combining workouts with BJJ. 3 body weight programmes and 2 kettlebell programmes. Normally $14 / month
4. MEAT and Food [28:11]
Now more than ever, when some supermarkets are limiting access, limiting the quantities of things like eggs and ground beef.
5. How To Stay Sane? [30:58]
Very stressful time
Sybil shared an article that child abuse cases are at an all time high
Peter Attia shared...
Ziva Meditation - emily is giving half off her ZivaONline course through the end of a couple more days to get in on that.
Don't be glued to the News. Budget your news time.
Use your Right brain - go outside, even if it's just on your porch or the balcony of your apartment) and sketch.
Memorize a poem. We've been doing daily boredom busting challenges in THR, one of them was memorize a poem. Sir Smashum Uppe! The girls can now recite it too!
Don't be blindsided...
This might be one of the most important episodes we've's so important now to do everything we can to stay calm, stay healthy....please share this one!!!