BJJ Tips, Raising Kids, Smart Sweets - THRR014

Snacks, BJJ Tips for Beginners, Zone 2 Cardio, How to Raise Kids, Smart Sweets.


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Show Notes:

News topic du jour:
Backlash Over Meat Dietary Recommendations Raises Questions About Corporate Ties to Nutrition Scientists


1. Snacks? [16:35]
Stephen says:

I will start by saying, I know I know snacking is not really the best thing to do. But let's be honest, it needs to happen from time to time. Snacking doesn't happen often but I want to be prepared for those days I didn't really get to eat like I wanted to or when I am coaching all day and need a quick bit to carry me.

It seems the only "snacks" are either meat snacks (jerky and the like), a small number of nuts are ok but as you have written about it is easy to let that get out of control without realizing it. I actually had to stop stocking nuts because it was way too easy to just grab handfuls or too much.

My question:

What can I potentially munch on to either hold me over or in those times that snacks are nice like watching a movie with the family?

I have been using Cronometer and it seems like veggies are pushing me over my Carb #s and wanted to see if I should be concerned about that or because it is veggies it is not an issue? I feel good as long as the carbs I consume are from vegetables or similar things. This part still confuses me a bit but might just be old thinking I have to change.



2. Tips for BJJ? [22:49]

Hi Robb and Nicki

I've been a listener and reader since the very 1st Paleo Solution podcasts and truly appreciate all  the info you graciously shared over the years . Forgive me if you've addressed this previously;

I just started BJJ class and wanted your advice, tips and whatever else you could offer a true beginner. Not asking specifics on training or volume, just maybe some things you wish you knew when you were starting .  You always have an interesting and informative take on anything you practice.

Thanks for everything,



3. Zone 2 Cardio? [34:45]
Holly says:

Hi Robb – love your work and consider you to be the sensible voice in this confusing space of health/training/nutrition/longevity.  Sooo, I’m hoping you can provide me with a bit of clarity.  On a recent podcast, you touched a bit on finding the right balance of strength/endurance and I want you to expand on this a bit.  I am a 44 year old female whose primary goal is health and longevity.  Years ago, I came across Mark Sisson’s work and realized I had spent over 20 years doing what he would term “chronic cardio” including running marathons.  I abandoned this approach to focus on strength training with a bit of HIIT and 30 minutes a day of walking.  This choice seemed to be confirmed by several in the health space, including the Ketogains approach.  Now, however, I’m hearing about how important zone 2 cardio is for mitochondrial health – this was discussed extensively on Peter Attia’s podcast with Dr. San Millan.  So, now I’m wondering how much zone 2 cardio should one be doing and does this amount change if your goal changes (i.e. if your goal is body recomposition vs overall health).  How can I maximize strength gains while including cardio in my plan (interference hypothesis?).  I have 3 children who are 6 and under plus I work full time so only have about 1 hour a day to devote to exercise.




4. How To Raise Kids? [40:47]
Jaakko says

Dear Robb and Nicki,

Greetings from across the pond, from far away Finland.

First, thank you for all that you've done and continue to do. You have influenced my life tremendously, as I'm sure you have for the other 5 listeners too. In addition to changing my diet and lifestyle and greatly improving my health in the process, following your lead I also changed careers from engineering to health and wellness coaching, started a paleo blog and podcast and soon I'm moving to the countryside with my wife and baby girl. We are building a house there with a small permaculture based food forest also in the works

So that's the possibly creepy copy cat / bromance part, now on to the question.

My wife just gave birth to our first child and I've been wondering how to raise kids in this modern world. Most of the mainstream advice for raising kids doesn't seem to be very much aligned with our species specific needs. I would like to try and give my children at least some of the experiences their biology craves.

I'm not planning to go all Captain Fantastic on my kids, although that might be the best option. So I turn to the great paleo sensei of Texas Hill Country Mr. Robert and the awesome Mother of Wolves, the senseiness Mrs. Nickoletti (I'm sorry if I misspelled your names, I'm foreign and my England is not so well!)

I'm reading the Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff and have looked at some attachment parenting stuff from the Sears. Do you have any ideas, tips or resources you could suggest. How did you / do you tackle this with your kids, if at all?

Ps. I'm really looking towards the sustainability book and film you are doing with Diana Rodgers. Thank you for carrying the torch for meat and sustainability. I know it's not easy with The Vegans, death threats and all the other craziness.

My sincerest gratitude,


(BTW if you want to give a go in pronouncing my name like a Finn (after I did such a great job with yours!) here it is pronounced by a native ;) (just ignore the Pallasvuo part)

Nicki notes:

"hold onto your kids"  Gordon Neufeld, Gabor Mate

"the whole brain child"  Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson


5. "Smart Sweets"? [53:51]
Maizy says:

Hi Robb and Nicki! I'm fucking addicted to "smart sweets", do you know about those little hitters? 3gs of sugar per bag.  Smart Sweets make gummy bears, Swedish fish, peach rings, sour patch... etc. Ingredients are "plant based" (except the gummy bears which contain gelatine) and free from "sugar alcohols"...  supposedly like, healthy candy?

Love you guys! Long live the Healthy Rebellion... One must imagine Sisyphus HEALTHY!

P.S. The creator and CEO of "Smart Sweets" is only like 20 years old.

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