Discover Your Data-Driven Insights And Trends From Shopify, Google, And Facebook
Today’s episode is brought to you by HiConversion Recommend. Get real-time personalization to spark your Shopify store's growth. Algorithmically launch product recommendations based on the same machine learning technology used at
Your Business Is A Journey. Invest In Yourself Today.
Being an entrepreneur is a life of learning, implementing, and iterating. All it would take is a new idea, a strategy, a Shopify app, or a marketing platform to be the next thing you need to improve efficiencies, drive more revenue, and build lifetime customer loyalty for your Shopify brand.
In today’s episode, my guest is Yasmin Nozari the Co-Founder and COO from Peel Insights. They are an automated business analysis system built for Shopify brands that are committed to growth.
Peel is designed for DTC Shopify brands to quickly understand trends in their business and react to the most promising cohort signals, without the need for any technical skills. They share all the intel Shopify businesses need to sell to more customers and to earn more revenue from existing ones.
They provide the daily analysis needed to make growth decisions.
What You Will Learn Today
- Why business intelligence is a necessary superpower to succeed in e-commerce.
- What is cohort analysis and why is it important for a Shopify brand.
- The importance of focusing on improving LTV from your ad-driven leads.
Links And Resources Mentioned
- Peel Insights
- Peel Insights Shopify App
- Peel Insights Case Studies
- Peel Insight - 30-Day Free Trial - Thanks Yasmin!
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Episode Sponsor: HiConversion Recommend
Today’s episode is brought to you by HiConversion Recommend powered by Amazon Personalize – product recommendations with the same AI used on Amazon.
With a 5-star rating on the Shopify App Store, HiConversion Recommend helps time-poor ecommerce teams to drive more new revenue from their existing web traffic. One-click Shopify integration, dozens of ready-to-go recommendation templates, effortless reporting, and a hands-free 7-day Product Recommendation Challenge, make it easy to put Amazon’s own AI to the test on your storefront.
Do you have 50+ products and $1M+ in online sales? If so, learn how to claim your seat and start your 7-Day Product Recommendation Challenge for Shopify.
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