Workout 41 - SkiErg - Five Minute Mindfulness
Workout 41: The SkiErg, stripped down to stroke rate. Find comfort with endurance while focusing on rhythm inside four, 5-minute pyramid intervals. Log all of your meters on the Concept2 logbook Warm Up + Workout: 1 Minute at each Stroke Rate 33-35-37-35-33 1 Minute Rest 1 Minute at each Stroke Rate 35-37-39-37-35 1 Minute Rest 1 Minute at each Stroke Rate 37-39-41-39-37 1 Minute Rest 1 Minute at each Stroke Rate 39-41-43-41-39 Cool Down: Easy Ski with some Single and Double Poling Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). Please read the following before participating. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK