Workout 35 - BikeErg - Trust the Process
Workout 35: Let's take our speed Up, then Up, and Up! Through these 6 intervals, our intensity grows as we push the revolutions to places of slight discomfort. BikeErg Set Up Warm Up: 1 Minute @70 1 Minute @80 30 Seconds ALL OUT 2 Minute Rest - Readjust Damper 1 Minute @75 1 Minute @85 30 Seconds ALL OUT Workout: 6 Rounds... 30 Seconds @60 30 Seconds @65 30 Seconds @70 30 Seconds @75 30 Seconds @80 30 Seconds @85 30 Seconds @90 30 Seconds @95 2 Minute Rest between Rounds Cool Down: 2 Minute Easy Riding Lower Body Stretching Fall Team Challenge September 15 - October 15 Find a group of friends who can be motivated to Row, Ski or Ride many meters. Log all of your meters on the Concept2 logbook for a chance to win! Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). Please read the following before participating. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK