Workout 34 - RowErg - Counter Clockwise
Workout 34: Just like putting in a hard day of work, these two 12-minute intervals take us 'round the clock. We ease in at the beginning, are uncertain we will make it through the middle and roll on out feeling like we can accomplish anything! Warm Up: 3 Minutes Easy @24 2 Minutes Moderate @24 1 Minute with Power Strokes @24 Workout: 12 Minute Interval @24 SPM First Minute take 2 Power Strokes Every Minute thereafter, add 2 additional Power Strokes 2 Minute REST 12 Minute Interval @24 SPM First Minute take 24 Power Strokes Every Minute thereafter, subtract 2 Power Strokes Cool Down: Strapless Rowing Drill Get In On The Challenge! September 15 - October 15 is the Fall Team Challenge. Find a group of friends who can be motivated to Row, Ski or Ride many meters. Log all of your meters on the Concept2 logbook for a chance to win! Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). Please read the following before participating. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK