Workout 18 - RowErg - To The Nines
WORKOUT 18: Long intervals that command focus and attention. These are no basic 9 minute intervals. All three are specifically spruced up with varying efforts to help you step up your endurance game. Warm Up: (9 Minutes) 1 Min @16 Easy 1 Min @18 Easy 1 Min @20 Easy 1 Min @22 Easy 1 Min @24 Easy 1 Min @26 Easy 1 Min @26 Moderate 1 Min @26 Hard Workout: (27 Minutes) These three 9 minute intervals will consist of easy, moderate and hard segments. We maintain our stroke rate at 26 for the entire workout. We will rest for 2 minutes between intervals. Choose your intensity appropriately. Your "Easy" should be a 4-5 on the Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE), your "Moderate" should be 6-7, and your "Hard" can be 8-9 (but note that you will need to hold that intensity ultimately for 3 minutes). 1 Min Hard 2 Min Easy 3 Min Moderate 2 Min Easy 1 Min Hard 2 Min REST 1 Min Moderate 2 Min Hard 3 Min Easy 2 Min Hard 1 Min Moderate 2 Min REST 1 Min Easy 2 Min Moderate 3 Min Hard 2 Min Moderate 1 Min Easy 5 Minute Cool Down on your own Enjoy your work! Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). Please read the following before participating. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK