Workout 16 - MultiErg - Wind Tunnel
WORKOUT 16: Practice your higher range of intensity in this sprint workout designed to work with one, two or all three Concept2 Machines. The RowErg, BikeErg, and SkiErg are all welcome here in the Wind Tunnel! Warm Up (20 Minutes): 3 Rounds of 6 Minute Intervals with 10, 20 and 30 second bursts of intensity If you have access to all three machines, start on the RowErg for the first 6 minutes. Rotate over to the BikeErg for the second and the SkiErg for the last. If you have just one or two machines, don't worry, there is enough variety within the three segments to keep your attention. Practice holding a stroke rate of 24 on the RowErg, a stroke rate of 40 on the SkiErg and a cadence between 80-90 on the BikeErg. You'll need this for the workout. Workout (20 Minutes): 6 Rounds of 30 Seconds of High Intensity with 30 Seconds of Rest on the RowErg @24 1 Minute REST 6 Rounds of 30 Seconds of High Intensity with 30 Seconds of Rest on the BikeErg @80-90 1 Minute REST 6 Rounds of 30 Seconds of High Intensity with 30 Seconds of Rest on the SkiErg @40 Again, rotate from one machine to the next for each round. Stay on one machine for all six of the 30 second efforts. The goal here is to find a high intensity in watts to achieve for all 6 intervals. This watt goal will most likely be different on each machine. Have fun in the Wind Tunnel! Remember, feedback is important! Please forward any questions or comments you may have to (use "Podcast" in the subject line of your email). Please read the following before participating. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK