Fuji X Series with Dan Bailey and Brent Huntley
Questions to get the conversation going: Tell us a bit about yourself and your photography. Briefly describe a location you recently traveled too and the photography you did there. We talk about the system, where these guys love to shoot (Portugal and Scotland) and a whole bunch more. Links for this episode: Going out of business sale: http://brentrentslenses.com MindShift Gear: http://www.mindshiftgear.com?rfsn=953633.ddbfa8 ThinkTank Photo: https://www.thinktankphoto.com/pages/workshop?rfsn=953619.2a0eb Brent Huntley’s personal blog: http://photographyandtravel.com Brent Huntley on the Improve photography website: http://improvephotography.com Dan Bailey’s website: http://danbaileyphoto.com Fuji 14mm lens: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/883533-REG/Fujifilm_XF_14mm_f_2_8_R.html Fuji 27mm lens: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/984430-REG/fujifilm_16389123_fujinon_xf_27mm_f_2_8.html Fuji 18–135: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1058622-REG/fujifilm_16432853_xf_18_135mm_f_3_5_5_6_r.html Fuji 10–24: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1021608-REG/fujifilm_16412188_xf_10_24mm_f_4_r.html Dan’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/FUJIFILM-Unlimited-Techniques-Maximizing-Creativity/dp/1681983877/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8aqid=1531069986asr=8-1akeywords=x+series+unlimited Use this link for excellent gear at the Peak Design website. It helps support my podcasting efforts. Thanks! Use this link to get a free gift at checkout, plus it helps support my podcasting efforts. Thanks!