
Latitude Reboot This particular episode is simply an explanation regarding the reboot of the podcast. Latitude was started about a year and a half ago. I planted the idea first by talking to Brian McGuckin and then Jim Harmer at Improve Photography. We started the show on its own feed and then about four to six months later we migrated it to the main IP feed. But now, it’s back on its own separate feed. There’s been a few changes in the last few weeks here in the podcasting world. For details I’ll simply refer you to the episodes in late April, 2018 on the Improve Photography Podcast feed which will change to Master Photography Podcasts by June 2018. This change means that my friend Brian is returning to his first podcast love, Thoughts on Photography. Which is awesome for him. I’m thrilled that TOP is coming back because that’s the first podcast I ever listened too and I just love what Brian was able to do with that show. I’m super excited to see where that takes him. So that leaves us with just me as the main host for the show. There will be a few changes to the show. Most notably, I’m going to shift the focus of the show so that it also includes nature/wildlife and landscape interests. My personal interests lie in the travel and landscape genres of photography but all forms of nature photography will be looked at here. I’ll plan to do destination reports, interviews of photographers that travel and photographers that live is amazing places and I’ll do the occasional gear report from time to time, but usually, gear usage will simply be part of the overall conversation. I do run a rental company and sometimes I’ll use some of that gear in my travels and shoots as well. That’s found at by the way. And finally, I’ll plan to re-release a few of the past episodes as Latitude Replays. In particular I’m thinking about the interviews I did with Jason Savage regarding Olympic National Park and Doug Kaye on Cuba. There’s a couple others I’ll probably bring back from the archives as well. So, this serves as a reboot of the podcast and I greatly appreciate your being here and coming along for the ride. Stay tuned for some great shows. I’m looking to publish fairly regularly every other week during the school year and when I’m on summer break I plan to increase that where possible. Of course, that’s when I’ll do a lot of my traveling, so we’ll just have to see how it goes, but that will be the perfect opportunity to do some episodes on the road as well. As it is now, I’ve got about a year’s worth of show ideas already written down with more to pop up I’m sure. I’ve already got an interview scheduled with a photographer who traveled to some former concentration camps in Poland and another about traveling light with the Fuji system. Then there’s all the places I’ve been to in the past several years that I’ve not been able to do a deep dive into, and a few local or regional spots that I’ll talk about as well. That’s about it for now. Thanks so much for listening and please be sure to hit that subscribe button and tell your friends. Until next time, happy shooting.

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