Episode 13 Part 1: Killer Coma Cases – The Found Down Patient

In Part 1 of Killer Coma Cases - The Found Down Pateint, Dr. Helman presents two challenging cases to Dr. Brian Steinhart and Dr. David Carr, who tell us loads of key clinical pearls in their approaches to the 'found down' patient. They discuss the important components of the neurological exam in the comatose patient, the differential diagnosis of altered mental status and hyperthermia, the controversies around when to get a CT head before performing a lumbar puncture, and much more in this Killer Coma Cases episode. In Part 1 of this episode, we discuss the limitations of plain CT, the interpretation of CSF and the many faces of seizures. Any more information would be giving away the cases..... The post Episode 13 Part 1: Killer Coma Cases – The Found Down Patient appeared first on Emergency Medicine Cases.

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