Episode 63: The 21st Century Cures Act
The 21st Century Cures Act was passed by both bodies of Congress and signed into law by President Obama on December 7, 2016. The bill received overwhelming bipartisan support, with only a small number (of notable) exceptions. On the surface, the law sounds like a triumph for healthcare and medical research. But a closer look at funding for the act brings its staying power into question. The only provisions of the law that don't require further action to maintain funding benefit one lucky group. Here's a hint: it's not patients. So today, 2 Docs Talk about what the 21st Century Cures Act accomplishes and what it doesn't accomplish. Buckle up. Resources: Legislative history and text of 21st Century Cures Act Be sure and subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher if you haven’t already. And you know we’d appreciate it so much if you would tell your friends about 2 Docs Talk! Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher