Education – “The Alt-AAOS Episode 1”
For the first time in our short history we had decided to work with a sponsor, an orthopedic company by the name of Xiros, to make the AAOS episodes possible. When the Academy took the wise decision to cancel we figured that was that, but Xiros, to their credit, said we should go ahead anyway and they very generously wanted to continue to support our newly dubbed "Alternative or Alt-AAOS Episodes" a collection of interviews from surgeons who had intended to deliver presentations in Orlando, bringing you their key message here on the Ortho Show. This episode of the Ortho Show "Alt-AAOS" is brought to you by Xiros North America. Xiros are excited to be launching their new Infinty-Lock Button system, a super simple, super fast, ACJ repair system. No coracoid drilling, high strength, low stretch, less time. Check out the the Infinty-Lock and Xiros's other new innovations at In this first Alt AAOS episode we talk with Dr Jorge Chahla from Rush University Medical Center. We cover biologics and knee ligament reconstruction, two of the topics he was scheduled to discuss at the Academy meeting.