Lesson 03 - Creativity + Fear
Lesson 3 is all about the 4 letter F-WORD: FEAR. It's probably the first major block that's holding you back from starting what you want to start, building the thing you want to build, and leveling up to become the person you want to be. But what if we reframed our fears, and looked at it as something that's a tool and not a hindrance? In this episode, I talk about how to start taking the steps to punch fear right in the face, and move forward in actionable, bite-size baby steps toward your creative goals. “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” – Oprah Mentioned in this episode: Take baby steps! How I built my side hustle pet photography business and quit my day job in 9 months. There is no better time than now to start something. Why is failure such a bad thing? (it’s not!) Reframe the way you think about failure. Look at your fear as a mirror that is revealing your greatest block. Organize your thoughts and get clarity with journaling, post it notes, and Google Keep. Find an accountability partner or group. Look on Meetup, Facebook, Instagram, or join our Creativity School Facebook community. The spiral staircase – Karen Armstrong Check out Marissa Peer on You Tube 4 journal prompts to work through your fear 2 visualization techniques to confront your fears head on Visit creativityschoolpodcast.com to download the Lesson 3 Cheat Sheet here! Thank you so much for listening! Subscribe so you never miss an episode, and connect with me online! Instagram | Twitter | Facebook Group If you have any questions or comments for the show, click here.