DaD Fitness Radio Podcast - Episode 027: Wally Szczerbiak - The Wallyball Way
In Episode 027 of the DaD Fitness Radio Podcast, we speak with former NBA star and current New York Knicks television color analyst, Wally Szczerbiak, about his development as a young athlete, his college career, his NBA experiences and staying healthy and active beyond professional basketball. Wally discusses the impact his father had on his development as a young basketball talent and how it influenced his career moving into both the college and professional ranks. The combination of honed basketball skill and hard physical training paid off for Szczerbiak during his time at the University of Miami-Ohio and made him into one of the top prospects entering the NBA Draft. Wally played for a number of NBA teams over 10 years, but also shared the court with Kevin Garnett at the beginning of his career and Lebron James near the end of his career. He also had the opportunity to battle Michael Jordan on frequent occasions, and we hear about those experiences.We also hear about Wally’s current commitment to training and nutrition now that he is focusing on other competitive pursuits such as golf. A previous knee injury has forced him to be innovative with his training, maintaining the same weight and body composition he had in the NBA. His commitment to physical fitness and nutrition is apparent and has given him the ability to have control over his health and wellness moving forward.For more information on Wally Szczerbiak, you can follow him via the links below:Instagram: DaD Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including: iTunes – – can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations: Don Saladino: Twitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino YouTube - Derek M. Hansen: Twitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen YouTube -