DaD Fitness Radio Podcast - Episode 018 - Mark Bell: The Meathead Millionaire
Episode 018 of the DaD Fitness Radio Podcast welcomes powerlifting guru, Mark Bell. Mark has been involved in a multitude of projects around strength training and powerlifting. He was in the feature film documentary, “Bigger, Stronger, Faster” and is a top powerlifting athlete with totals of 1,080 lbs in the squat, 854 lbs in the bench press and 766 lbs in the deadlift. He is an editor for Power Magazine and also the inventor of the Sling Shot device for improving bench pressing performance and general upper body strength, while supporting the shoulder. Mark also operates a highly successful gym in Sacramento, CA known as the “Super Training Gym.” The gym is free for all members and is considered one of the most successful facilities in the country.We speak with Mark about all things strength and power, including his business. He discusses his career in powerlifting and the impact it has on his approach to life. Mark embraces all projects with the same enthusiasm and motivation that he applies to his training. He lives for stress, challenges and pressure. Mark even talks about his new found love of running!To find more information on Mark Bell, you can visit his website at: can follow Mark on the following social media channels:Instagram: DaD Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including: iTunes – – can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations: Don Saladino: Twitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino YouTube - Derek M. Hansen: Twitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen YouTube -