DaD Fitness Radio Podcast - Episode 014: Educating the Fitness Consumer in the Age of Social Media

In Episode 014 of the DaD Fitness Radio Podcast, Don and Derek hold one of their periodic debrief sessions to talk about the quality of information on fitness available on various social media channels. The “Wild West” mentality is front and center on social media, with everyone posting all sorts of information on exercises, training techniques and other health and wellness issues. For the average fitness consumer, it can be pretty overwhelming, as there is no “user’s guide” to selecting the right “expert” to follow. As Don points out, there is a certain “fluffy” quality to the majority of the fitness-oriented content being posted on social media. While there is a need to entertain followers to some degree, the content must also adhere to scientific principles and universally accepted truths on health, wellness, exercise and sport performance. What can the typical consumer do to choose the best content to follow? If a fitness personality looks good, does it mean that they truly know how to help other people with their fitness goals? These are all important questions when deciding to follow the information of a social media fitness personality or celebrity. At the very least, all consumers need to be aware that not everything can be taken at face value, and some research might be warranted before following the advice of a social media personality. The DaD Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including: iTunes – – can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations: Don Saladino: Twitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino YouTube - Derek M. Hansen: Twitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen YouTube -

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