DaD Fitness Radio Podcast - Episode 012 - Nikos Apostolopoulos: MicroStretching for Health, Performance and Recovery
In Episode 012 of the DaD Fitness Radio Podcast, we speak with Dr. Nikos Apostolopoulos on his recovery-based concept of MicroStretching. Working out of Toronto, Canada, Nikos has been providing sport performance focused recovery and regeneration services for over 30 years with his unique brand of therapeutic stretching. The MicroStretching technique makes use of extremely low-tension but precise stretching exercises to reduce inflammation, manage muscle tone and promote the natural recovery processes of the body. Dr. Apostolopoulos’ research has been focused on examining key biomarkers associated with application of MicroStretching across numerous populations. Anecdotally, Nikos’ methods have been met with exceptional results throughout the high-performance sporting world including the NBA, NHL and MLS. Some of his high profile clients have included Ray Allen, Sam Cassell and Dennis Scott of the NBA.More information on Nikos’ MicroStretching technique can be found at:http://www.microstretching.comYou can follow Nikos Apostolopoulos via the following channels:Instagram: DaD Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including: iTunes – – can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations: Don Saladino: Twitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino YouTube - Derek M. Hansen: Twitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen YouTube -