DaD Fitness Radio Podcast - Episode 008 - Jeremy Jauncey: Beautiful Destinations for Mind, Body and Soul
Episode 008 of the DaD Fitness Radio Podcast speaks with social media sensation and tech entrepreneur, Jeremy Jauncey, about his inspired work with Beautiful Destinations. Jeremy was a high-speed, world-class rugby star who eventually found his way into the fast-paced world of technology, data analytics and, ultimately, international travel. He discusses the importance of well-managed fitness, health, wellness, nutrition and recovery for travellers and vacationers. The tourism industry is just starting to realize the importance of not only providing passive rest and recovery options for visitors, but also active strategies for improving physical fitness, addressing mental health needs and teaching individuals how to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Jeremy shares his personal recipe for staying at the top of his physical and mental game while on the road, visiting some of the most spectacular destinations on the planet.Beautiful Destinations is an award winning creative agency behind the largest travel community on social media. More than 13.5 million people in 180 countries turn to Beautiful Destinations on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat to get a deeper look into the world’s most spectacular locations. The company works with some of the world's highest quality brands, governments and charities to help them generate a return on digital media through “social-first” content and visual storytelling. Beautiful Destinations has also expanded their social media presence to include Beautiful Cuisines, Beautiful Hotels, Beautiful Matter, Beautiful Apparel, Beautiful Menswear and Beautiful Homes – which have a combined following of approximately 20 million.More information on Beautiful Destinations can be found on the company website at: social media channels include:Instagram DaD Fitness Radio podcast is available at the following locations for downloadable audio, including: iTunes – – can reach both Don and Derek at the following locations: Don Saladino: Twitter and Instagram - @DonSaladino YouTube - Derek M. Hansen: Twitter and Instagram - @DerekMHansen YouTube -