Ep 016 - Family Medicine with Dr. Steve Brown
Show notes page for Dr. Steve Brown. Dr. Brown is Program Director and Professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix Family Medicine Residency in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Brown completed his undergraduate degree at Stanford University in 1994; completed his medical degree at Albany Medical College in 1998; then completed a family medicine residency at the University of California, San Francisco at San Francisco General Hospital in 2001. Following the completion of his residency Dr. Brown worked for four years with the Indian Health Service with the rural White Mountain Apache Tribe in Northern Arizona. In this role as a Commissioned Officer with the Public Health Service, Dr. Brown was a full-spectrum family physician delivering babies, providing emergency care, and inpatient and outpatient care of adults and children. Dr. Brown joined the family medicine teaching faculty at Banner University Medical Center-Phoenix, in 2005, where he continues to practice and teach full-spectrum family medicine. He also works closely with medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, where he was recognized as Clinical Sciences Educator of the Year in 2010. He then become residency program director in 2011. Dr. Brown’s scholarly interests include care of the rural and urban underserved, high value care, pharma influence, and physician well-being. He has served as chair of the American Academy of Family Physicians Commission of the Health of the Public and Science and on subcommittees for Clinical Preventive Services and Clinical Practice Guidelines. He is an Associate Editor for Essential Evidence and a board member of the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors. Finally, Dr. Brown is editor and co-founder of the American Family Physician Podcast (on iTunes and at aafp.org/afppodcast) which he co-hosts with third years residents in his program. The podcast, which summarizes clinical topics and practice-changing evidence, is regularly a Top 10 medical podcast on iTunes with over 25,000 downloads per month. Please enjoy with Dr. Steve Brown!