29. Magic Pills with Ananda More (S3029)
Welcome to Season 3!
I crossed paths Ananda at the Homeopathy-One Conference, and being the blatant opportunist I have become around my podcast, wasted no time in introducing myself and asking her if she would come on the podcast to talk about her film and experience creating it.
Being the gracious, and now *necessarily* opportunist she must be in promoting her film, she agreed.
In addition to now being a filmmaker, Ananda is a homeopath and CEASE practitioner, as well as a doula and reiki master, a business owner as co-owner of Riverdale Homeopathy in Toronto, as well as a mother.
Magic Pills was an 8 year journey in the making, and you will hear all about that in our interview. She traveled from Toronto to Cuba, India and Tanzania to document some of the biggest and most impressive large-scale efforts in homeopathy, covering homeoprophylaxis, the Banerji clinics, and Homeopathy for Health in Africa. Her travels took her to many other places as well, many that didn't make the film, but are slated for other projects.
After the ‘official’ questions were wrapped up, we kept on chatting and I let the recording go and included some of that casual conversation here because it all felt so relevant to where we are in homeopathy, today.
The film is available for community screenings and you can see the trailer and find out more about how to bring the film to your area by visiting magicpillsmovie.com.