#40 Nourishing Her Yin: Live Podcast Event with Mason Taylor and Tahnee McCrossin
You're in for a real treat SuperFeast fam! Today's podcast is a live recording taken at our special women's event: Nourishing Her Yin, earlier this year. Today we bare witness to the epic conversation that unfolded between our SuperFeast founder, Mason Taylor and the exquisite Tahnee McCrossin (GM of SuperFeast), covering all things women's health, with a deep emphasis on what that means from a Taoist perspective. Mason and Tahnee host a Q & A with the audience at the end of their chat, so stay tuned until the end, this is an episode not to be missed!
Mason and Tahnee explore:
-Health sovereignty.
-Discerning collective ideology from innate individual insight.
-Honouring the seasonal elements of life and human nature.
-The Yin and Yang of nutrition.
-The role of the organ systems in regards to women's health.
-Chi Ne Tsang abdominal massage.
-The spleen as the mother of blood.
-Self massage.
-Honouring your needs as a woman.
-The herbs, foods and practices that can support feminine health.
-Anatomy and female reproductive health.
-The new SuperFeast blend.
-Audience Q & A.