#10 Gut Health - Part 1 with Mase and Dan
Gut health - what a minefield! Well, after today's Part 1 episode, we hope you'll be feeling more empowered understanding your gut health. Dan Sipple (The Functional Naturopath) joins Mason today as the boys dive deep into the depths of your gastro-intestinal tract! This subject is so vast, we have Part 1 and Part 2 to follow - stay tuned for next week. This episode covers the basics, what is digestion, what is good gut health and how we can build a robust gut microbiome - all the topics to get you in the driver's seat of your health. Dan shares his personal gut health journey (inclusive of viral load and Epstein-Barr) and once again, Dan brings his clinical observations to the table with real-life client experiences.
Check Out The Transcript Here: