A Hard Habit App to Break

Mike dives into the world of "habit tracking" apps, which also encompasses routines, rituals, and goals that we want to develop and foster. Relevant Links http://www.productivityist.com/blog/how-to-score-productivity-touchdowns (How to Score Productivity Touchdowns During Football Season) http://www.macpowerusers.com/2014/08/24/210-task-management/ (MacPowerUsers: Task Management) http://inoveryourhead.net/flossing-more-important-than-brushing-dentists-say/ (Flossing Your Teeth More Important Than Brushing, Dentists Say) http://www.productivityist.com/blog/the-3-things-seinfeld-does-that-ive-built-into-my-own-workflow (The 3 Things Seinfeld Does That I’ve Built Into My Own Workflow) https://www.lift.do/ (Lift) http://5by5.tv/mikesonmics/129 (Tony Stubblebine on Workflowing #129) http://habitlist.com/ (HabitList) http://thinklegend.com/commit/ (Commit) http://lifehacker.com/281626/jerry-seinfelds-productivity-secret (Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret) Want to send Mike an app, book, or something similar to discuss on the show? Email him at podcast@productivityist.com and he'll give it a look. Want to listen on Stitcher? http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=53149&refid=stpr (Click here.) Support The Productivityist Podcast by becoming a patron! http://www.patreon.com/Productivityist (Click here) to visit The Productivityist Podcast's Patreon page and see what perks await those who pitch in a buck or more.

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