19. Repertory with Roger- Night Terror (S2019)
Roger Van Zandvoort is back for another installment of ‘Repertory with Roger’
this is Episode 20- a Case of Night Terror and Paralysis…
Each month Roger Van Zandvoort of Complete Dynamics joins me for a look at one of the cases from his Clinical Repertory Project. This month it’s a case of Night Terror and Paralysis by Elizabeth Wright Hubbard.
Usually I repertorize using CD, but because Roger has already been through these cases and added the remedy to the necessary rubrics, the remedy in the case often comes out quite high. This time, I wanted to use a different Repertory- Synthesis in my RadarOpus- to see if there were any differences and also for those folks who may not be using Complete Dynamics.
You can find where Roger posted the original case, a screen shot of his repertorization, as well as the discussion with other homeopaths from the original posting (12/2016) here:
I’m always looking for ways to make these episodes really usable and practical, so if you have any suggestions as to how I can do that, please comment on the Facebook page, message me through the page or drop me an email at concentrichealing@gmail.com
I like to pull out some of the key take-aways and best tips that came out during our conversation, so you can listen for them. I hope this doesn’t make the content repetitive, but instead allows you to take in the information in two waves.
First, the case:
Homoeopathic Recorder Oct. 1957, p. 99. E.Wright Hubbard: Precision prescribing in acute cases
Lady of 74 has had hypertension for many years. Sudden loss of power of the right arm and leg with thick speech. Face and tongue drawn, blood pressure 230/140. Pupils sluggish, fibrillating heart. History of having a bowel complex. Rectal condylomata.
Symptoms: terror of the night; anguish and anxiety from sunset on; inability to sleep; hot not chilly.
Discussion: one symptom, the terror of the night, was so overwhelming that combined with the sleeplessness and rectal difficulty, after trying 2 or 3 other remedies, without success, the repertory was thrown to the winds and the patient given xoxoxoxooxo cm and peace reigned.
Since this is our fourth call, I believe, I’m getting better and some of the pitfalls and wrong choices I made a few months ago, I’m not doing now. So new issues came to light-
First off, in each call I think we’ve covered the idea of using general rubrics.
This came up again, but in a different way. I missed a rubric because I was looking for it in the local particular, which in this case was a mind symptom- and Roger pointed out that I could have looked for it in the General. Because it was a Mind symptom, I didn’t think to look for it in the Generals, as I usually associate Generals with physical symptoms. but in this case, it was such a significant modality, finding it was important.
So- again, if you cannot find the modality for the local, go to the generals.
Crossing is also an option to create a smaller rubric from larger ‘building block’ rubrics if you can’t find what you are looking for.
Recall that the mental symptoms that come *in conjunction* with physical complaints are of utmost importance.
Mind- Speech as mental issue ie, Speech, Rude
Speech as a functional issue - which is what came up in this case.
The Kentian repertory set up puts all speech/ talk rubrics under ‘Mind’ but Roger has separated them out, to accommodate the functional vs. the mental/emotional intent. Different repertories are set up differently, and if you choose to use a different reference, be aware of how they might be different from maybe what your standard book is. Also- the idea of a symptom of functional disorder vs. mental is just an important clarification to make anytime… In this case it’s speech, but in other cases it could be restlessness for example
One of my favorite parts, I’ll paraphrase this whole section-
Identify the signs of the vital force- the movement of energy. if you have a case where you only use phenomenon- objective and subjective symptoms such as sensations as if-
if you only use those, you have a kind of one-sided analysis
a poor analysis for the lack of specificity of the case
need to be careful in any repertorization
if you have modalities
left/right side
use them to make the analysis more strong
those- the modalities, alternative, sides, etc. es;. they indicate the dynamics of the case
the fact that the immune system is busy doing something
indicates an energy movement
important rubrics
all about energy movement
what is happening in the person- what is the vital force doing to protect itself an the person included.
You need to be alert in those sigs of pathology that indicate movement of energy”
Repertorizing can feel very flat, like we aren’t really capturing the case, more like a laundry list. but with this reminder, Roger is showing us how we can indeed capture some of the dynamics of the case, not just the look and presence of symptoms.
We also got into some technical features of CD, in terms of searching and using synonyms. This conversation came in the middle of the call, but I cut it out and tucked it at the end, so that if you are well versed in CD, you can choose to skip that part at the end. It also helped the flow, so we stayed with the symptoms of the case and relevant rubrics, and kept the technicalities at the end.
In the case, Hubbard writes that ‘she threw the repertory to the winds’ after giving a few indicated remedies. I thought this was interesting and commented on it. Roger explained that
Homeopaths used to read, make annotations, and actively studied and noted and made cross references in their publication and repertories, etc. This greatly enhanced their scope of reference. In an earlier part of our call, when we were just greeting each other and getting warmed up, Roger had commented that with applications such as Facebook, people often do not read articles to completion, or as deeply and attentively into text. We have such a tendency to skim and jump to the ‘next thing’ that we miss what is right in front of us.
This is one reason why I am offering A Homeopath’s Book Club, a group reading of Kent’s Lectures on Philosophy. Not just quotes or select passages, but the whole text, from start to finish. All 37 Lectures, covering the scope of practice from digging into our purpose in Lecture 1 and 2, The Sick and the Highest Ideal of Cure… through practicalities like Oversensitive Patients, Chronic Disease and Miasms, Examining the Patient and Record Keeping.
It’s an effort to emphasize quality over quantity… we have so much quantity these days- journals print and online, little blips and photos and twitter and websites… I personally love the access our digital technology has given us, both to each other and information, however it is up to us to pair that access and opportunity with depth and engagement.
Sure, you can read Kent on your own. I”m sure you have. Maybe you’ve picked it up several times. Maybe you’ve started it half a dozen times- maybe you’ve even made it through the entirety once or twice. When was the last time you talked about it, though? Discussed how the philosophy and Kent’s interpretation connects to your own clinical experience?
John Coleman, a writer for the Harvard Business Review, says, “discussing these books with a diverse group of friends or colleagues can expand the way you think. At Harvard Business School, one of the primary reasons for the case method of learning, where students read a case, or story, collectively and then debate it, is to make students more aware of the different perspectives people bring to any discussion and the ways in which those perspectives can deepen understanding and help a group reach a more rounded decision. Book clubs function similarly — they force you to engage on new and interesting topics, and they do so by listening to people who think differently than you. And because you know you’ll have to discuss a book with your peers, you’re likely to read more deeply than you might on your own.”
I hope that by opening up the Book Club to the entire, worldwide homeopathic community, we’ll have practitioners who have a diverse range of experience, treating different populations and using different approaches. Kent’s Lectures which cover essential points of the Organon are applicable to all homeopaths, but the perspectives we bring from our own practices will enrich and stretch the conversation.
The sign-ups are rolling in, and there is no cap, so the more the merrier.
Information and sign-up links can be found at
Sign ups are open right up until the start date- June 23rd, and the discussion will roll right on through August 31 on the private Facebook page, or you can opt to do the bi-weekly webinar based discussions to talk to others LIVE. I'll be there facilitating the discussions in both places. The calls are limited to 12, so I’ll open up as many of those as necessary.
Enjoy the show!