1. Origins (S1001)
Part 1- The Present: I ask every homeopath I interview how they found homeopathy and came to be a homeopath. I've selected four of those stories to share with you in this first episode, from Kate Birch CCH author of Vaccine Free... Robert Field CCH of the Resonance School of Homeoapthy... Sangita Pedro ND, Maine, and Pat Deacon RS(Hom) of Ontario.
Part 2- The Future: The little (big) remedy of Ignis alcoholis encapsulates beginnings and endings through purity of purpose, the destructive and purification energies of fire. Proving by Nuala Eising of Ireland.
Part 3- The Past: And extraordinary letter correspondence between two medical students just before the turn of the 19th century in America. Tom shares his brush with Homeopathy with his friend, John and subsequently changes a life...
'How I Became a Homeopath' The Hahnemannian Advocate, 1896-1898 Volumes 35-37
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or email me, Kelly Callahan, at concentrichealing@gmail.com