E41: Rheum4Debate "SLE Pts. on Cytoxan Should Receive Bactrim"

Welcome back!  This is the second episode of Rheum4Debate, an oxford-style debate show for the field of rheumatology.  In this podcast we'll tackle the question of bactrim prophylaxis in patients receiving cyclophosphamide.  The motion was:  “Bactrim prophylaxis should be prescribed to all patients with SLE who are receiving cytoxan and over 20mg of prednisone daily” Dr. Pankti Reid (@panktireid) argued FOR the motion and Dr. Anisha Dua (@anisha_dua) argued AGAINST the motion.  PLEASE be sure to fill out the post debate poll and let us know what you think! You can find it on my twitter account @ebrheum!

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