Pediatric IV Tips and Tricks
Top 10 [details in audio] Set the stage – exude confidence and be prepared Choose the right cannula size – a smaller working IV is infinitely better than none Feeling is better than looking – trust yourself Mark the site – things get wonky when you take your hands off to disinfect Tourniquets can mess you up – try to use a holder’s hand to occlude the vein The holder rules – get as many hands on deck as you need. Tension is good – a little counter traction on the skin with your non-dominant hand helps to decrease the friction as the needle goes through the fascial layers. Stay in line – your needle is an extension of your arm Gravity is your friend – the kinder, gentler tourniquet The 3 Fs – flash, flatten, and forward. Get the flash at a 30 degree angle, flatten that angle, (advance another 1mm), and advance the plastic catheter over the needle into success