What Should You Do if You Need to Lose a Lot of Weight?
"Training bodybuilders is easy. They already know 90% of what they need to do, and they've got the willpower to do it." That's what a personal trainer friend of mine recently said, and it got me thinking. So far on EvidenceMag, I've focused mainly on people who are in good shape, but want to push themselves further. People, like me, who want to get leaner, stronger, and bigger than we are. But what if you're extremely overweight, and you just want to get healthy? I'll admit that I've never been in that position, so I asked Dr. Yoni Freedhoff to come on Evidence Radio. Yoni has helped thousands of overweihgt and obese people lose fat, and he's written a book on his methods called *The Diet Fix,* which goes into further detail. In this podcast, we talk about the most common challenges overweight people face when trying to lose weight, the main reasons they fail, and how to set up a diet that increases their chances for success.