063 - Alyssa Adams - Photo Brigade Podcast
On this episode Robert Caplin chats the one-and-only Alyssa Adams, deputy editor at TV Guide Magazine and executive director of the Eddie Adams Workshop. Back in 1988, Alyssa and her late husband, Eddie Adams, founded this annual, tuition-free workshop that invites the 100 top students and early professional photographers, chosen strictly by the merit of their portfolios, to their barn in Jeffersonville, NY at the peek of Autumn, to participate in one of the industry’s longest-running and respected workshops. They talk about Alyssa’s background in design, how she got into the photo industry, how she and Eddie met, and they talk all about the workshop Robert attended a decade ago as a student and has since returned as a team producer. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode of The Photo Brigade podcast!