2019 Predictions and why New Years is Overrated
Sanjay talks about how he hates new years even parties and predictions for 2019 like the instagram influencer bubble bursting.
Prediction for 2019
- People will use Social Media Less
- Mental Health is on the come up
- Influencers will get less money or more criteria
- Movies will continue to decline.
- More Women will ask out more men.
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5 INDIAN TINDER TIPS (FOR WOMEN): http://bit.ly/2PY6e1v
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IT Guy 2.0: the Offshore Remix http://bit.ly/2LoGHhf
IT Guy 3.0: the Diwali Remix http://bit.ly/2A4vqhq
IT Guy 4.0: the Final Remix http://bit.ly/2A2Q6qo
IT Guy 5.0: the Onshore Remix http://bit.ly/2UVGAOk
Earlier Engineering & Motivation Videos:
Anu Aunty the Engineering Anthem: http://bit.ly/2R2X6gB
Why You You Think You're Sad Doing Engineering: http://bit.ly/2LpqJn9
Plan to Fail: http://bit.ly/2A43bQf
Do Nice Guys REALLY Finish Last? : http://bit.ly/2Cl5iR2
Why I ENGINEER (Advice for Graduates) : http://bit.ly/2V1f2HE
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