Re-Wire Your Brain for JOY with Radha Agrawal and Dr. Dacher Keltner
We've all heard plenty about the negativity bias in our brain. But, did you know that we actually have the power and ability to retrain and reprogram our body to crave happy neurochemicals instead of cortisol (the stress hormone)?! Radha Agrawal and Dr. Dacher Keltner are 4 months into collecting data on how dance and other modalities improve joy. They have developed a Happiness Quiz - the first comprehensive brain-body quiz that looks at multiple areas of your life and based on your answers delivers a "joy prescription" with what happy neurochemicals you need more support with. You can then "fill your prescription" with daily practices and activities designed to meet those needs such as breath work, yoga, forest bathing. Tune in to learn how to practice joy and BE happier! See for privacy and opt-out information.